Chapter 47: Townsville

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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! So today is Halloween and I thought I'd give you a treat (get it? Haha . . . just shut up, Mazzie) and update! *SPOILER* This has to be one of my favourite chapters I have wrote in this book because it's just SO CHEESY (SARAH)!!! But yeah, how do Americans do Halloween different to British people? Seriously. Because we literally only see a few decs in the window and then all go trick or treating and have competitions to see who can get the most candy (well, me and my sister do, anyways). But okay, I'm going to shut up now. HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Enjoy this chapter.

'We're here!' I gasp, skipping off the plane. It feels amazing to have my feet on the ground once again after flying for twenty hours. The heat is unbelievable, so I'm glad I chose to wear something cool. I went for blue denim shorts with a white lacy material over the pockets. My top is a simple white tank top and my shoes are simple white high-tops. We get our passports checked and stamped, then wait for our luggage. I check the address on the slip of paper that has been crumpled in my pocket for the whole flight. Me and Joe hop into a taxi and soon we're outside. I decided that we would get a villa.

The villa itself is really pretty. It's very modern and stylish and sophisticated. I squeal and drag Joe up the drive after he pays the taxi driver. I unlock the door and gasp when I see the room in front of us. It's almost completely white, but the modern furniture is bright colours and it looks stunning. I notice that this theme is continued throughout the entire house. I make my way to the bedroom, which is plain white with a few simple blue decorations and pull my suitcase over to the left hand side of the bed, my side.

Joe joins me a few minutes later and lifts me by the waist, lying me down on the bed and kissing me passionately. I kiss him back, only to stop when I notice the time. 'Oh, shit.' I say, rolling from underneath Joe and hopping up, checking how I look in the mirror. I look a mess. I begin to fix my hair by putting it into a braid down my back. 'What?' Joe asks, confused.
'We've got to be at the research centre in twenty minutes!' I rush, fumbling for my lip gloss in my now open suitcase. I change into my white long-sleeved shirt and black tube skirt, teaming this with my black strappy heels and a sparkly silver necklace. I brush my teeth before adding my lip gloss and grabbing Joe's hand, practically pulling him out of the door. I ring a taxi and we climb in.

The journey seems to take forever. I brush my knees back and forth together nervously, not knowing what to do with my free hand. Joe gives the hand he is holding a tight squeeze and I smile nervously at him. I need to make a good impression for this job, it's my dream. It's my life and I want it more than almost everything right now. I pay the driver and step out of the car, my legs feeling like jelly. Joe keeps hold of my hand as we enter the research centre.

'Hi, Estelle? I'm Sadie.' The woman with the long, dark brown hair says, holding out her hand. I shake it, smiling. 'Hi Sadie, it's great to finally meet you in the flesh! This is my boyfriend, Joe. You don't mind that he's with me, do you?' I ask, biting my lip. 'No, not at all! It's nice to meet you, Joe.' Sadie smiles, shaking Joe's hand. 'Nice to meet you, too.' Joe replies. Sadie turns back to me, pushing her fashionable geeky-style glasses further towards the bridge of her nose. 'Okay, so we'll start with the tour. If you wouldn't mind following me, I'll show you where everything is.' Sadie smiles.

'So, how was your flight?' Sadie asks as we begin to walk down a large and fairly plain corridor. 'It was really good, thanks. It went quicker than I thought it would.' She nods and smiles at my answer, turning left into a large room. Me and Joe follow her into the room and my mouth hangs open when I see what is inside. Many people sit in front of computer screens, typing away. The room itself has a huge screen monitoring divers who are currently swimming in the Great Barrier Reef. It's incredible.

'Yeah.' Sadie says. Did I say that out loud? Apparently. 'This is the advanced research room.' We follow her to a few more rooms that include things to do with monitoring and more research rooms. We are shown to the aquarium where some animals who are found injured are kept until they are able to go back to the Great Barrier Reef. She takes us up to the balcony, where my breath is taken from me.

A clear and light blue sky teams perfectly with an ombré blue ocean. The sand dunes running down onto the beach are covered in layers of tall, dry grass. The white sand is slowly being covered by the crystal blue ocean. 'Oh my God.' I breath, practically speechless. Joe squeezes my hand and Sadie smiles widely.

'Okay Estelle, that's the tour. Whilst you're here could I just give you the paperwork? Just the medical forms and things?' Sadie smiles. I nod and she politely excuses herself, saying she'll be back in a few minutes. I turn to Joe and take both his hands in mine. I love him so much, he doesn't even know. And I don't want to leave him. 'So, what do you think?' I ask, biting my lip.
'Perfect, babe. I'm so happy for you.' His voice catches slightly at the end, but there are no signs of emotion on his face. He looks away and I notice Sadie walking towards us, a small pile of papers in her hand.

She hands the papers to me, smiling. 'Here you go. If you can drop them in before you go back to England, I'm here all week. Thanks for coming, Estelle.'
'Thanks, Sadie. It's been great to meet you! This place is amazing, I can't wait to start. Is Thursday okay to drop these?'
'Of course. I'll see you then.'
'Thanks again. Bye!'


'Oh, this place is gorgeous!' I exclaim as I take a look out the window. We've gone looking for a place for me to live and I decided on a house rather than an apartment. A whole wall of the dining room has been replaced with glass, showing off the stunning view. The beautiful blue sky and a view of the beach below. The crystal clear water and large sand dunes, their white sands mesmerising against the pale greeny-yellow, tall and dry grass. The house itself is part of a modern estate built right on the coast and it's very close to the research centre. The room echoes my footsteps as I make my way through the house, looking at all the rooms. There is a living room, dining room, four bedrooms (I might turn one into a walk-in wardrobe, another into a study and then have a spare room), kitchen, two bathrooms and garage.

Joe takes my hand as I turn away from the garden and start walking to the side gate. We make our way down the drive and to the car we picked up earlier in the day. We've only been here six hours and I feel like we've done half the things we've planned to for the whole trip. Me and Joe have been to look at a few other houses, but this one is by far my favourite. It's within price range, too. 'How much is this again, Stel?' Joe asks.
'Two hundred and seventy thousand, I think. In pounds, like. It's not too bad for price and it's gorgeous!' I say, looking at the modern house. It's almost my dream home, it's only missing Joe.

'Joe baby, are you sure you're okay?' I ask. Joe's been quiet for quite a while. He looks up, slightly confused, but nods. 'Alright.' Joe stops the car and we climb out. I stare into his perfect blue-green eyes which are dazed with thought. 'Joe, I need to know what's wrong.' I say as I shut the door behind us.
'I just don't want to leave you.' He blushes. He's so adorable.

Joe excuses himself to the bedroom, but I follow quite insistently. He goes to shut the door but I slip through the gap and stare at him worriedly. It's really dark as the curtains are drawn, so I can only see his silhouette. I put my arms around his neck and smile. 'You're really overthinking this, babe. It's not until May! That's months away from now!' I say softly as my vision adjusts to the little lighting. He smiles reassuringly and I try to think of a way to cheer him up. I gaze up into those sea-green eyes and am caught in a trance. He leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back.

The kiss is so perfect. So is the next one. I stumble backwards and fall onto the bed, laughing as I hit my ankle. I grab Joe's shirt so he falls as well, landing on top of me. He giggles and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. 'I love you, Harries.' He whispers.
'I love you too, Sugg.' I reply back, smiling. I lean in again and kiss him passionately, deeper than ever before, undoing a button on his shirt. Damn, the things this boy makes me do.

Again. Right, I don't know what a marine research place looks like so don't judge! Haha, I really just had to guess.

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