Chapter 10

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I wake up to the sound of the door opening. Joe's body is curled around mine, his arms draped over me. I see Zoë standing at the foot of the bed, her mouth hanging wide open. 'Shit!' I say loudly, jumping. I pry myself from Joe's grip and stand up, looking at Zoë. 'Zoë, it's not what it looks like.' I say quietly, trying to avoid waking Joe. Zoë doesn't say anything.

'You slept with Joe . . .' Zoë says slowly. She looks completely traumatised.

'What? No! I wouldn't do that. Joe was sick and then he got in my bed so I got into his and he asked if I'd stay with him, that's it! Nothing happened, I swear!' I plead. I don't want to argue with Zoë, as well as my brothers.

Zoë nods her head slowly, but clearly doesn't believe me. 'Okay.' She whispers, hugging me, but I hear the concern in her voice. I hug her back and squeeze her tight. 'Thank God. I mean, I didn't want to make things worse between you and your brothers because I would have to tell them, you know that, right?' She says, looking at me seriously. I nod, relieved. I hear a groan and turn to see Joe awakening and attempting to sit up, a hand to his head. 'How do you feel?' Zoë asks Joe, kneeling by the bed.

'Not good.' He groans. Zoë sighs and I excuse myself to get the paracetamol.

I head downstairs into the kitchen and see Finn. He looks up, rolls his eyes, then looks back down at his fingers. I don't say anything, but head into the cupboard and find the tablets, taking a strip of them and getting a glass of water for Joe. Finn nods at the paracetamol. 'Who's that for?' He asks. I look down at the strip of tablets.

'Joe.' I mumble, agitated by him already. He smiles sarcastically and nods before sitting on the kitchen bench.

'You know, I find it funny that you're still talking to him.' I don't look at my brother.

'Why wouldn't I be?' I say sweetly. I am in the mood to really annoy Finn after the way he acted last night. I leave the kitchen without saying goodbye to him and head back upstairs.

When I come in, Zoë has left and there's only Joe left in the room. The black eye hardly lingers, and the cuts have disappeared, and Zo has clearly masked them with makeup. He was beaten to a pulp two minutes ago. Even hungover, he's still adorable. I tell myself to shut up - do I even like him? Kind of? I don't know. I give him two tablets and hand him the water. 'Cheers.' He thanks me, taking the painkillers. I sit on the end of my bed, not really sure where to turn to. I hear footsteps in the hall and then Tan's voice. 'Hi everyone! Today is the first day of Vidcon and I'm really excited to meet some of you today.' Her door shuts, as does mine.

'Joe!' He winces at my shouting, I forgot he's not really well. I lower my voice. 'It's Vidcon today, what are we going to do?' Joe's eyes widen as he gets out of bed, but he sits back down, pulling a face and clutching his head with one hand, his stomach with the other. 'You can't come like this.' I say. I'm only looking out for him, so when he stands up again and heads to the bathroom with his clothes, I'm left feeling fairly surprised. Whilst he is in there I get changed into a light pink sundress with strappy brown sandals. I brush my hair through and braid it before separating the braids and braiding them into a plait. I put on some foundation and a little mascara, as well as some pink lipstick. I leave my ears with no earrings in and wait for Joe to come out of the bathroom.

Joe comes out the bathroom wearing a white t-shirt under a red open checkered shirt with black denim skinny jeans and black shoes. I stare at him, he looks amazing. I shake my head and laugh to myself before I see Joe's confused expression. 'Oh . . . nothing.' I say. He nods and lets me have the bathroom. I brush my teeth and re-apply my lipstick and I'm ready. I don't look great, but we're supposed to leave in a few minutes. I come out the bathroom and this time it's Joe's who is looking at me. I smile at him and turn around, leaving the room, Joe following closely behind me.

'Last again?' Niomi says, giggling. I frown and shove her lightly as we pile into the minivan. I sit as far away from my brothers as is physically possible. We're not due on the main stage until the day after next and I don't even need to be at Vidcon tomorrow, but today is meet and greet. I'm with Zo, Tan and Louise. I'm feeling really excited to meet the fans. We run indoors to avoid being completely mobbed and then make our way to the green room. 'How's things looking with your brothers?' Louise asks. I sigh,

'Not good.' She frowns.

'Well, I'm sure they'll come around.' I nod at Louise's positive words before our names are called.

Me, Zoë, Louise and Tan head to the hall where our meet and greet is. We're going to be here for two hours today. I hear fans screaming as Zoë walks out from behind the curtain, then Louise. Someone taps me on the shoulder and I spin around to see Joe grinning. The tablets must be working okay, he's almost back to normal. 'We never organised that date, did we?' He says, grinning. I kiss his cheek, glancing at my brothers, who are watching, and give them a cheesy smile before I whisper goodbye and walk around the curtain to enter the room of our meet and greet.

Only You(Tube) // A Joe Sugg FanFiction [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now