Chapter 69: Saying Goodbye

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'Baby, wake up.' Joe says quietly in my ear. I open my eyes quickly, bolting up.
'What time is it? Am I late for work?' I scramble out of bed hurriedly.
'No, no, you're not. Besides, you don't have work today. We just need to drop Zo and Alfie off in twenty minutes or so as their flight's at half six.' Joe explains. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It's ten past one in the morning, so early I just want to crawl back into bed. But of course I'm going to see my best friend off.

I pull on some jeggings and a black t-shirt before I bound down the stairs loudly. I find the pizza box from last night and take it back upstairs. Cold pizza is the king of breakfasts. I brush my hair and finish the pizza so I can clean my teeth. I put on a dab of concealer and mascara, some lip gloss. I choose my favourite pair of Nikes and pull them on, lacing them up. They're bright blue with a bright orange tick and white laces. Joe grabs my hand and finds his keys. When we get downstairs, Zoë and Alfie are waiting in the hall, surrounded by their suitcases.

Joe and Alfie load the suitcases into the boot of the car whilst me and Zoë sit in the living room. It's not because we're lazy, it's just I can't really lift them and they'd be too heavy anyway. 'I'm going to miss you so much.' I sniff, feeling glum. 'I'm gonna miss you more. I've missed having you around, even when I see you every day on Skype.' Zoë says sadly. I laugh, this last bit is very true. We go quiet for a while until something comes to me.

'Will you promise me something?' I ask my best friend.
'Yeah, of course! What is it?' Zo asks, a slight concerned look on her face. I hesitate and glance at Joe though the window. He waves me through and we get in the car before I continue, 'Just . . . promise me you'll try and persuade your parents that the kids are a good thing. That's why Joe's been in a mood and I don't want him to stay like that.' I lower my voice as I speak; I don't want Joe to overhear me, really. Zo whispers a reply to me. 'I don't think it's going to be that easy.

'When you and Joe first rang me on Skype, I was so happy. The second that call was ended, I knew just how our parents would react. It's not that they don't like you, that's obvious. I mean, you've grown up knowing them so well, but they just - I don't know how to put it - don't agree with it at this moment in time. I think they think that as it was a bit of an accident, you guys were, um, drunk? I dunno, that's just what seems to be in their heads and the idea hasn't moved.

'After this Skype call, I knew that Joe had been in touch with our parents to tell them. Well, I got two phone calls. One from my dad, one from Joe. My dad was, as I remember it, really shocked. He really didn't expect it and I could just tell that he seemed angry the whole way through the conversation. I asked him if he was okay, if he was okay with this. He just sighed and I think he said no. He's always been really negative about it, I guess. I tried to ask him why he hated the idea so much, but he just made up an excuse and hung up. Then Joe called me.

'Joe sounded really depressed. He sighed the whole way through the conversation and was super snappy with me on the phone. I tried to help but he wouldn't have it. I don't think he was crying, but hey, I couldn't tell. He paused all the time and was so annoyed and agitated I didn't really know how to help him out of that state. I guess he has come around in time, though, but he still seems a bit annoyed about it. He kind of just snapped at me and ended the call.

'I know it's not going to be easy to get them to come around, but I'll try my best for you both. I can't promise anything though, Stel, you have no idea how awkward the atmosphere is.' Zo finishes.
'I have an idea. Sounds like when I had that fight with my brothers.' I reason. Zoë nods her head. I feel that awkwardness now and it's quiet for a while until we reach the airport.

Within half an hour of awkwardness and sadness mingled together, I can't be happier to notice we've reached the airport. I hurriedly climb out of the car and help Zoë with her suitcases. She smiles at me. 'Thanks, Stel. I'm going to miss you so much!' I see tears spike to her eyes. I blink mine back and pull Zoë into a massive hug, squealing. 'I'll miss you, too.' I breath. As I pull back, Joe takes my hand and we walk to the airport entrance together with Alfie and Zoë.

Alfie pulls me into a hug and I hug him back whilst Zo says goodbye to her brother. 'We'll miss you, Stel.' Alfie smiles down at me. I nod.
'Same to you, you guys have no idea!' I hug Alfie one last time and then turn to Zoë. I squeeze her really tight, perhaps a little too tight. When I release her from the crushing hug, her mouth twitches into a smile. 'Bye, hun.'
'Bye, love. I'll text you the second you're off the plane.'
'You'll have to beat me to it.' Zoë smirks. I laugh and hug her quickly one last time. We both shed a tear and wipe it away quickly. 'Bye.' We all say at the same time. Zo and Alfie turn and leave for the check in, waving at us. Me and Joe wave back and turn out of the airport. 'I'm going to miss them both so much.' I sigh to Joe. 'Yeah, me too.' He sighs back.

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