Chapter 24: Almost Home

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I am woken by Tan shaking me awake. She points out of the window she is sitting next to at the scene outside. I take off my headphones and turn to her sleepily. 'We're landing in an hour, thought I'd wake you now.' I nod and turn off the song that is playing, which is Stupid Girls by Pink. 'Also, Joe wanted you.'

Joe. Poor Joe. He's had to sit with my brothers for ten hours, a painful reminder. I hope they've worked it out, they always do. I sigh and sit back in my seat before realising how much I need the loo. I've slept for ten hours without using the bathroom, not bad. I jump up and get in the queue.

Once I've been to the bathroom, I go to see Joe. He's just in front of me, so I put my head on top of the seat. He looks up and smiles at me, turning around in his seat so he's facing me. 'Sup, Suggy?' I smile at him and yawn.

'Oh, I was just checking you were alive, Harries.' He smirks back at me. My brothers glance up at me and smile. I think they've worked it out. Thank God. I sit back in my seat and decide to chat with Tan. We're busy talking about Vidcon when we are told we'll be starting our decent into London.

I turn off my phone and fasten my seatbelt. Outside is fairly dark and I have to drive back home, which will take another four hours. I sigh to myself and pull my white beanie down over my face. I bury myself in the white knitted panda jumper I have on and take the beanie away from my face. I groan at Tan who chuckles. 'Why did you have to wake me up?'

'You'd slept the whole way . . . we thought you'd passed out or something.' I smile genuinely and notice Zoë giggling, too. I feel the plane dip more and more over twenty minutes and soon we've left the layers of thick grey clouds and can see London illuminated by lights. It's raining pretty heavily, which makes me feel depressed. Very depressed.

I feel the bump as the wheels touch the runway. Soon, we are grabbing our carry-ons and heading off the plane to baggage claim. First, we have to have passports checked and stamped and stuff, and then we can get our suitcases. I see mine and Tan's and we grab them quickly, joining my brothers and Alfie, who also have their things. We only need to wait ten minutes before we make a dash for our cars in the pouring rain. I hug Niomi and Zoë, saying I can't wait to see them in just over a week or two when I visit, and then say bye to Caspar, Dan, Phil, Jim, Alfie, Marcus, Louise and Tan. I then hug my brothers tightly and tell them I'll call the second I get home and then I turn to Joe.

'I'm gonna miss you.' I say, squeezing him. He squeezes me back.

'I'm going to miss you more.' I sigh and unlock my car as the rain gets heavier. I see a flash of lightning and then there's a loud clap of thunder. Most of the youtubers are either heading to or are in their cars to drive home. I open the door but Joe grabs my arm. 'Why don't you stay at mine tonight? It's getting pretty dark and there's a storm.' I smile and nod, taking the offer. Joe returns the smile and gets into his car with Caspar.

I follow the boys from the airport to their apartment. I play my radio and sing along to all the songs that are played. As I park my car I realise how wet my seat is. It's soaking! The rain has only got heavier though, so it could be worse. Me, Caspar and Joe make a dash for the door of the apartment.

Caspar unlocks it and lets us all in. I drag my suitcase in through the door and turn to Joe. 'I'll take the couch if you want my room.' He says to me. I shake my head, 'It's alright, I'll take the couch.' I wheel my suitcase through to the living room and put it in the corner. Joe follows me and pulls me onto his lap. 'What do you want to do?' He asks me. I smirk when an idea pops into my head.

'Kick your ass at FIFA.' He smiles.

'Bring it on.'

Joe grabs the remotes and sets up his camera. After a brief introduction we start playing. We decide on a best of three matches. I win the first match 2-0 and Joe beats me 1-0 playing the second game. During the last game, I really show my competitive side, and smash Joe 5-2. 'Shit, how are you so good at this?!' He asks. I shrug.

'Not sure. I just am.' Once we've stopped recording, my phone starts to ring. I pick it up almost straight away when I see it's Finn. 'Hey, lil sis! You back home yet?' I take a seat at the breakfast bar and Joe stays on the sofa and tries to find another game we can play together. 'No. I'm staying over at Joe's place, the rain got too heavy to drive all the way up to Newcastle with.' I squeeze my eyes shut for a second and re-open them slowly. Joe holds up a video game in his hand and I give him a thumbs up as I wait for a response from my brother.

'Um, okay. You could've come to ours.' I sigh at his response.

'You don't trust him.' I huff. Joe gives me a worried glance.

'I do trust him.'

'Well then, you don't trust me.'

'I do trust you.'

'Okay, then you don't trust us together.' Silence. It takes a minute for Finn to talk again. 'Kind of. There's a lot going on, I need time.'

'Okay. I'll ring you when I get to Newcastle. Bye, love you!'

'Okay. Love you too, bye.'

I hang up and head back to the sofa and Joe. After playing video games for another hour, I decide to go and get changed. I pull on my Tigger pyjamas, brush my teeth and do my bedtime bathroom routine before going upstairs and sitting on the sofa. Joe comes up minutes later with a pillow and blanket. I take them from him. 'Thanks, babe.' He smiles and kisses me quickly.

'Night.' He says whilst walking to the stairs.

'Goodnight.' I say back before drifting off to sleep.

Only You(Tube) // A Joe Sugg FanFiction [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now