Chapter 39: The Job

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'Hello, Miss Harries!' A young woman with dark hair smiles.

'Oh, just call me Estelle.' I smile back, 'Hi, it's nice to meet you.'

'And to you, Estelle. My name is Sadie. You received my e-mail, I guess?'

'Yes. Thank you for this opportunity.'

'You are most certainly welcome. I'm just going to ask you a few questions if you don't mind? Then I will e-mail you to let you know our thoughts.' Sadie explains, taking a few sheets of paper from her desk.

She then flicks through these and finds the right one. 'Alright. These are just a few questions on the loggerhead, as I understand you have been studying this particular species at university. So, first question: How long can the loggerhead live up to?'

'Between forty seven and sixty seven years. It reaches maturity within seventeen and thirty three years.'

'Well done, Estelle!' Sadie exclaims. 'Next question: What are the scientific classifications for the loggerhead?' (A/N got these off wiki, so sorry if they are wrong haha!)

'Oh. Well it is part of the Animal Kingdom, its Phylum is Chordata, its Class is Reptile, its Superfamily is the Chelonioidea but its actually family group is Cheloniidae, and its Genus is Caretta.' Sadie nods at my answers.

Joe walks in a few minutes later and notices I'm doing my interview, so goes to leave but I pat the spot next to me and he takes it. 'Well, that's all the questions Estelle. I'll e-mail you and let you know if you have the job or not.'

'Okay thanks, Sadie.' I smile. She ends our long call and I close my laptop, groaning loudly.

'What's wrong?' Joe questions as I sit up and rub my temples.

'My brain hurts. I'm so stressed over whether or not I get this.' I sigh and Joe rubs my back. 'What should we do to take your mind off it, then?' He asks. I shrug,

'Let's just go into Newcastle. You probably need to have a vague idea of where the hell you are.' He smiles and nods at my suggestion.

Joe goes to find his shoes and is singing Don't by Ed Sheeran as he looks around for them. His voice is so perfect, Goddamn. Soon, we're vlogging a dramatic duet of the song, in fits of laughter by the end. Joe grabs my hand and swings it back and forth as I lock up. 'We're going into Newcastle now, and I'm so excited to tell y'all some big news soon!' I squeal, jumping around and vlogging excitedly.

'God, you're adapting already!' Joe chuckles.

'Y'all is just my thing.' I wink, giggling. We head in no particular direction and find ourselves by the River Tyne. I hum under my breath as we stroll down the path. 'Okay, marine biology geek. Your interview sounded pretty intense.' Joe says, making me tense up a little because I'm so nervous about it. This is not taking my mind off things.

'Yeah, I guess. I just needed to remember all of my studies.'

'I'll miss you if you get it.' Joe mumbles.

'Don't, you're making me want to stay here so much.' I say, 'I'll miss you too.' Joe connects our lips briefly and I notice his eyes look sad. 'I won't go, then.' He looks confused. 'What? You have to go, babe. I'll visit you when I can.'

The thing I'm most nervous about is the long distance. Things like that never work. And Joe's the one, I can feel it. I love him too much for this to not be real. I don't want to ruin our relationship, he means too much. Okay, I'm going to cry. I blink back the tears and take a deep breath. 'Let's go back, eh?' I say. Joe nods and we turn around and start the walk back to our apartment.

Once we're back, Joe retreats to the bedroom. I sigh and check the clock. It's five. Oh no. It's Joe's birthday in a few days and I haven't got him anything yet. I grab my bag, checking my purse is inside before I leave the apartment. I realise I have forgot my phone and my keys and I didn't shout goodbye. Well done me.

I walk quickly down the street and into a few shops. After just walking around for a while I settle on buying Joe a new camera. It was the most expensive one in the shop and cost seven hundred pounds. I am literally broke now. But it's for Joe, and I know he wanted it so bad. I don't know how I'm going to hide the box or wrap it or write the card without him noticing. I make my way back to the apartment sharpish as it's getting fairly dark. I must have been out a while. I knock on the door and wait for an answer.

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