Chapter 55: Christmas Day

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I slowly and quietly climb out of bed, open my wardrobe and hope it doesn't creak. I extract the presents from the back of the wooden frame and tip-toe through to the living room. My brothers are in here, actually. Zo and Alfie have the spare room and my brothers took the sofas. I avoid the creaky floorboards and gently place the presents under the tree before leaving the room as quietly as possible and climbing back into bed with Joe. The clock shows four in the morning, so there's still plenty of time to catch some Zzz's.

'Wake up, it's Christmas!' I hear the voices shout, jumping up and down on the bed. I bat the hands away from my face and pull a pillow over me so I can't hear or see the faces. 'Get up!' Zoë shouts. 'It's Christmas!'
'Get up, get up, get up!' Jack and Finn shout like little kids.
'Piss off!' Me and Joe moan in unison, turning over.
'No, get up.' Jack protests, hitting me with the pillow I had over my face until he pulled it from my grasp. 'Jack, fuck off!' I moan, sitting up and smacking him with Joe's pillow violently. 'Oh, sorry. Did we interrupt?' He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. 'You dirty minded freak! And yes, you interrupted my sleeping!' I reply, smacking him a few more times.

Soon we're all having one massive pillow fight, me and Joe against our siblings and Alfie. I manage to flip Finn off the bed but he hits me even harder with the pillow. I sigh loudly, pulling the warm duvet from my body. 'Alright, I'm up!' I surrender, finding a cozy grey Christmas jumper and some black leggings. I get changed quickly in the bathroom and brush my teeth, apply my makeup. When I come back into the bedroom, Joe is still refusing to get up. I climb onto the bed and hit him repeatedly in the face with a pillow. 'Joe, get up!' I say, smacking him in the face with a pillow. 'Why?' He moans. I lean down and kiss him as he pulls me into him. 'Okay . . . relatives here, Jesus!' I hear Jack saying. I laugh and look up, seeing Zo, Jack and Finn covering their eyes. Alfie is just vlogging us, laughing. I grab Joe's arm and pull him up and out of bed.

We all find our cameras and head through to the living room, hardly able to contain our excitement. I squeal as Joe opens the door; I sound so childish. Joe flips the light switch and reveals the stack of presents at the foot of the tree. Zoë gasps and runs into the living room, a huge smile on her face. I grin as we all take a seat on the sofa. Joe kneels down and checks the tags on the presents, handing one to each of us. Zoë has got me a pandora bracelet with a little friendship charm on it. 'I have the exact same one, see?' Zo says, showing me her wrist. I gasp. 'Oh wow, Zo. This is gorgeous, thank you!' I exclaim, hugging her before she clips the bracelet onto my wrist. I notice Joe looking a little confused and giggle. 'What's wrong, Joe?' I ask him.
'Nothing. What are these?' He asks, holding up the presents that are wrapped in silver paper. I recognise them to be my presents for him and just smile. 'Open them and you'll see.' I say simply. Joe shrugs and begins to tear the wrapping paper off the first one.

'Estelle!' Joe gasps, smiling. I myself am smiling like an idiot as well. 'This is perfect, thank you!' He beams, kissing me passionately. I kiss him back and pull away, noticing Zoë vlogging. 'Joe.' I whisper. He nods and diverts his attention back to the picture as his cheeks turn a rosy shade of pink. I feel my own cheeks heating, too. He opens the other four and looks really happy with them. 'I knew you loved them pictures and I thought they would look awesome in our new house.' I explain. Joe smiles and pecks my lips.
'Well I love them. Thank you, babe.' He replies, smiling.

'You know what's weird?' I laugh, handing Zoë her present, 'I got you something similar to what you got me.' I hand her the Swarovski box and she smiles, opening it. The bracelet I got Zoë is silver with a little deer charm covered in diamonds on it. I got the same one, but with a rabbit. 'I know you love deers and this reminded me of Bambi and how Bambi and Thumper are best friends, so I got a rabbit.' Zoë looks up, beaming. She pulls me into a long hug before saying, 'Thank you, I love it!' I help her fasten the bracelet and she gasps, running her fingers along the charm. 'It's so cute!' She exclaims.

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