Chapter 59: The Last Day

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'Baby, time to get up.' Joe whispers in my ear. I turn over and bury my head in my pillow. 'Please can we just stay in bed a little longer? It's the last time we can.' I mumble, turning over to see Joe's blue-green eyes staring into mine. He smiles at me and kisses my forehead. 'Okay.' So we lie in bed, arms wrapped around each other. We are quiet for a while and I like it. 'What shall we do today?' Joe asks suddenly. 'We could go into Newcastle? Spend the last day there.' I suggest. Joe nods and we fall silent again. The silence is interrupted by my ringtone sounding loudly through the bedroom. I let my hand rummage around on the bedside table to find the device. I answer the call when I see it is Zoë who is calling.

'Hey, Zo. What's up?' I ask cheerfully.
'Hey. Open your front door?' She instructs. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion but get up, walking to the door. I unlock it, still on the phone to Zo. When I open the door, feelings of happiness and embarrassment overcome me. Zo, Tan, Alfie, Jack, Finn, Marcus, Niomi, Caspar; basically all the YouTubers are there. Mine and Joe's parents as well. I smile as everyone engulfs me in a group hug. 'What the hell?' I hear Joe's voice. We all look up and rush to him, nearly knocking him over as the whole group hugs him. I notice his face going red and I know mine must be the same. Me and Joe are literally in our pyjamas, not dressed or ready and I'm sure I look a right state. I excuse myself to get ready.

I quickly shower, wash my hair and then dry myself, finding something to wear. I pick the outfit with the blue skinny jeans and cream blouse, leaving the other for tomorrow. I quickly throw on some eyeliner and mascara, brush my teeth and add a light pink lip colour. I brush my hair and tie it into a ponytail. Everyone seems to have gathered in the living room, vlogging and talking. Joe then leaves for the bedroom and Zo approaches me. 'Estelle, finally! I've been desperate to talk to you about everything. First off, how are they?' Zo asks, smiling and patting the small bump which is my stomach. 'Fine. No kicking yet, shouldn't be for another four weeks or so.' I smile at my best friend.

Joe is back after fifteen minutes, wearing a white t-shirt and black skinnies. I'm busy chatting away with Niomi, Zo, Tan and Louise. Joe grabs my hand. 'We still doing Newcastle?' He whispers.
'Aye.' I reply. 'Reet, listen up you lot!' I shout to be heard. The room goes quiet. 'Me and Joe decided that if everyone is okay with it, we is ganning doon the toon. Basically, we're going into town.' Everyone nods and seems okay with the entire Newcastle thing.

I slip the white flats onto my feet and grab Joe's hand. Everyone begins to head out the door, following me and Joe because we are the only ones who know where we are going. I think we'll just wander, go for a walk down river. We take the stairs out of the apartment building and begin our walk to the river. I slow down to everyone else's pace, walking to my parents. I smile as I approach them. My dad gives me a huge hug and my mum squeezes my hand. 'We're so proud of you!' They squeal in unison. I laugh and blush slightly.
'Thank you! I'm so excited.' I giggle.

I catch up with my parents for a while longer. It has occurred recently how much I will miss them and now I will miss them even more. I will make sure I stay in contact almost every day and keep checking up on my mum and how her cancer is. I just know that they are so proud of me and I am so proud of them. They congratulate me on the engagement, ask me how the kids are doing. I also have to catch up with my brothers.

'So, I'm confused.' Jack frowns as I show him the image on my phone.
'It's a loggerhead.' I say slowly, trying to get the information into his brain. He rolls his eyes sarcastically. 'Yeah, I know that. I just don't understand why you have to go to the Great Barrier Reef when the species lives in the Atlantic Ocean as well.'
'Really, Jack?' Finn raises an eyebrow at Jack who cracks a smile and shakes his head. I almost feel that there are too many people here all at once and I want to talk to all of them but I don't know if I'll have time.

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