Chapter 38: Move or Stay?

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I try to process Joe's news. Australia. I'll have to move to Australia. I find my laptop and scan the e-mail. It clearly states that I will have to move to a place called Townsville, which is a city near the coast of Australia in Queensland. It's the closest city to the Great Barrier Reef and is where the marine site is based. I stop dead and want to cry. I really don't want to leave my family, friends and Joe as I will only see them once a year.

Joe hugs me tightly and I pull him close. 'I know. But Estelle, you have to take it! This is your dream, right? So go. We'll be fine.' He says quietly. I nod, still thinking on what to do. I find my laptop and open up my e-mails. 'Joe, you are right. I have to take this job, even though I'm practically going to die not being able to see you and everyone else in the flesh every day.'

I type a reply e-mail to say I accept and wait for a reply. Since I accept, there will probably be an interview over Skype. 'Will you read me the e-mail?' Joe asks. I open it and begin to read,

'"Miss Harries,

We are delighted to inform you of a job opening at our marine biology site. The job will be studying endangered species, such as the "loggerhead turtle", and the animal studied will rotate every six months. We understand that you still attend university, but as you have one of the highest results in the country for marine biology, we put this opportunity forward before you finish your course, as many employees have top results at our research centre.

'"Once you do finish university, we would be pleased if you could move after two weeks to Townsville, Australia, as it is where the site is based. If you would like to take this offer, please reply as soon as possible so we can sort out a time for your interview.

Thank you,

Sadie (Chief Researcher)."'

Joe looks at me worriedly. I can tell he's going to miss me. 'Don't you start university tomorrow or something?' He says, trying to divert the conversation.

'Yeah. Are you sure you're alright with this whole job thing?' I ask nervously.

'Of course! I'm just going to miss you.'

'Well, it's nine months away so I wouldn't worry about a thing.' I sigh happily, lying down and placing my head on Joe's chest. He wraps his arms around me and it feels perfect. I kiss him lightly as he plants a quick kiss on my forehead before I manage to somehow drift off to sleep.


'Joe, I'll be late if I don't get up!' I whine. Joe is refusing to let go of my waist as we lie in bed. I've been trying now for ten minutes. 'Joe!' I press on, slightly agitated. He loosens his grip slightly and I take the opportunity to slip out of bed and get ready. I find a pair of blue skinny jeans and a white button-up blouse. I brush my hair through and fishtail braid it before I do my makeup. I grab a pair of white trainer heels and my largest white shoulder bag and I begin to push the books and files inside. I grab my phone and open it to the contacts page.

Joe gets up and comes into the kitchen just as I am lacing up my shoes. I pull on my black jacket and plant a quick kiss on his lips. 'See you at half two. Love you.' I say and he smiles, 'Love you too.' I then grab my headphones and dial Jack's number. It rings for a while, and just as I'm about to give up, a voice speaks.


'Hey, Jack! I'm so sorry about being such a bitch. I was just angry that you couldn't get your head around things.' I apologise.

'No it's alright. I was a dickhead.' I then cut straight to the chase.

'I have the most exciting news ever!'

'What? Should I get Finn?' He asks.

'Yeah, definitely.' I nod. I hear Finn in the background as Jack puts me on speaker.

'Okay. So last night I got some news saying that in nine month's time -'

'You're not pregnant are you?' Jack panics, making me giggle.

'No! But when I finish my uni course, I have an offer for my dream job! They e-mailed me saying that if I want to I can have the job. It's in Townsville, Australia and I'll be studying the "loggerhead turtle" for six months before rotating to study another endangered species of marine animal.' I squeal.

'Estelle, that's amazing! Congrats.' My brothers chorus.

'I know and thanks. I have an interview sometime soon and I'm really looking forward to it, I just hope I get it.'

'I hope they give you the job as well.' Finn chips in.

'Well, I've got to go. I'm at uni.'

'Okay, ring me later.' Jack says.

'Alright, bye.'

I end the call and head for the grande hall. I state my name and am given a timetable. I don't have any frees today and it looks like I will be in classroom 611 for a couple of hours and then in lecture hall number 3. (A/N yeah I have no idea what uni is like haha) I check the time and see it's ten o' clock. I then rush to my lessons and get studying. If I want this job I need to work very, very hard.


'I'm back!' I shout. When I get no reply, I feel rather puzzled. I frown and drop my bag on the sofa as my footsteps echo through the apartment. 'Joe?' I shout, but get no reply. He must have gone out. I don't know why or how; he doesn't know his way around Newcastle at all. I open the bedroom door and scream as the icy cold substance hits my body.

I gasp for breath and see Joe standing with a vlogging camera in his hand, laughing so hard he's crying. 'You actual fucker!' I gasp, grabbing him. He slips from my grasp and runs off around the apartment. I slip in the kitchen and fall flat on my face. 'Ow!' I moan. Joe tries to help me up but I just fall over again. 'Who the hell put you up to this, you little shit?!' I glare. Joe giggles,
'Your brothers called and told me to prank you.'

After I change and dry my hair, I retreat to the bedroom. I crawl under my duvet and shut my eyes. I really can't be bothered this afternoon, if I'm honest. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I turn over to see Joe smiling down at me. 'I'm sorry.'

'My brothers are going to be almost as sorry as you.' I laugh, tickling Joe.

'Stop it!' He gasps. I carry on until he literally looks like he will die if he doesn't breath.

'Alright, now we're even.' He pants.

'It was pretty funny when I rang my brothers because I said "in nine month's time" and Jack immediately thought I was pregnant!' I exclaim, giggling.

'Really?' Joe laughs. I nod my head and smile, realising how awkward I have made this situation. I hear my Skype ringtone and sit up immediately, scrambling to find my laptop. I know exactly who it is.

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