Chapter 28: London

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I wake up to Joe still asleep. Our bodies are an entangled mess; my arms are around his waist and his arms are resting at the small of my back. Our legs are tangled together, so I can't tell whose is whose under the cover. 'RRRAAARRRRGGGHHHHH!'

'AAAAHHHHHH!' I scream, squirming in the covers. Joe laughs, and I hit him playfully on the arm. 'Joe, don't do that! I just had a fucking heart attack!' I gasp, sitting up in bed. Joe chuckles and kisses me softly. 'Sorry babe. What should we do today?' He asks. I think for a while.

What should we do today? I honestly have no idea what we should do. I think on ideas but nothing really pops into mind apart from a load of work I have to do before I go back to uni. I really need the work to be finished. 'Honestly, it's up to you. All I can think about is an essay I have to write.' I groan into the pillow.

'Let's go into London, do something there.' I nod at Joe's suggestion and get up, stretching. I grab a cropped monochrome tee and black skinny jeans and head for the bathroom. I get changed and brush my teeth before I do my hair and makeup. When I come out of the bathroom, Joe is in a white t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I pop some earrings in my piercings and pull on my shoes for today, some black, ankle boot high heels. Joe grabs my hand and we leave the apartment. We get the tube and decide on going for a walk around London.

After walking in silence for a while, Joe asks me something which makes me choke on my breath. 'Will you move in with me?' I cough quickly and swallow hard. 'Never mind.' He mumbles.

'No, babe. You just caught me off guard, that's all.' I say, which cheers him up. 'I'd love to, but I can't. I don't finish uni for months, and wouldn't that be moving too fast?'

'Well, even though we have only been dating a month or so, we've been best friends for nine years, and we kind of liked each other to start with.' Joe sighs, 'It's just I won't see you again until Christmas, and that's another three months away.' I frown; he looks so upset.

'I guess you could move to Newcastle? How about we think about it for a month or two and then make a decision.' Joe nods, satisfied with my answer. After walking and talking for a few hours, we get lunch. We find a cute little restaurant away from the centre but still relatively close. We're shown to our table, and Joe takes my hand as we look at the menus.

'Okay . . . I'm having the burger. What about you?' Joe asks. I sigh.

'Urm, think I'll have the tuna salad. I'm actually really hungry.'

'Have you started eating again? Are you putting weight on?' Joe asks worriedly. I nod. 'Yup. I like having food in my belly.' I say, patting my skinny stomach, which is grumbling slightly. We order drinks, then food. My lemonade comes, and I sip it gingerly.

'So, how's your mum?' Joe asks, and I force a smile.

'She's doing okay. She's had some radiotherapy and chemo, so she's losing her hair. I just hope it's working. Tan's coming up and then I'm going to visit my mum. I've only phoned her, but hearing her voice is so hard, because you can tell she's ill. She doesn't sound as happy as she used to. But that's natural. I mean, this could end her life.' My voice catches at the end and Joe squeezes my hand. I force another smile, and he smiles sadly back at me.

Our food arrives and I eat mine super fast. I was really hungry as I forgot to have any breakfast. I'm not normally a tuna fan, but it was delicious. 'Oh, also my brothers are fine with us. I talked to Finn a couple of weeks ago.'

'Yeah, Jack rang me just before you came up.' Joe says fairly quickly. Alright, something was said that I wasn't supposed to hear. I'm not going to ask.

We order dessert, and that's really nice, too. We pay the bill and head back through London to the tube station. We get stopped by a few fans which doesn't bother me - I love to meet them. Once we get back into the apartment, I'm giggling quite a bit, and Joe is creased as well. 'Yeah, she got so mad! She threw a brick at the teacher and it hit the window and smashed it to pieces! Our school was so rough -'

'You were so rough!'

'Em, excuse me! I was fourteen. I was an idiot.' I giggle. Caspar looks at us with a confused expression. 'What?'

'Estelle was just telling me about how ridiculous her year was at school. The kids were mental!'

'Yeah, one kid ran around the whole school and tore out the pages to his books and threw them around in year ten.'

'Awe, I missed that! It would've been funny.'

'Not if you were that kid.' Caspar just nods, obviously still confused by mine and Joe's conversation.

We watch random stuff on TV and talk for the rest of the day. Once we have settled down and stopped talking about our school lives, me and Caspar decide to film. We decide to film a "Roommate's Girlfriend Tag" on his channel and a "Boyfriend's Roommate Tag" on my channel. I'm really excited to film. We answer Q&A questions about each other for both videos. However all we can hear is Joe swearing at some video game upstairs and he keeps shouting down whenever he disagrees with what one of us says (mainly Caspar). Just as Caspar is about to do the outro for his video, Joe shouts down the stairs. 'Caspar, when you've stopped flirting with my girlfriend, I want a rematch!'

'Okay!' Caspar shouts back. Earlier on, Caspar smashed Joe whilst we were playing FIFA14, and Joe thinks it's "unfair".

We film the video for my channel and then go upstairs for the FIFA rematch. We've spent almost all day playing this game, so this will probably be the last match of the day. By the end of the constant swearing and serious concentration, Joe has won 4-3. Caspar slams down the remote in a childish manner and folds his arms, standing up and leaving for the stairs. I notice him smirking and I giggle, which cracks him up. 'Anyways, I'm going to bed. Night guys.' He yawns.

'Night.' Me and Joe chorus in unison.

'Right,' Joe gets up and stretches. 'We should go as well.' I sigh and stand up, following Joe down the stairs to his room. I hum as I bound down the stairs loudly and grab my black leggings and one of Joe's tops from his wardrobe. I enter the bathroom and brush my teeth, get changed, the usual. After I pull Joe's t-shirt over my head, I lift the top up. My stomach is still unbearably skinny. But I still don't know whether or not to diet. Should I? No. I promised Joe I wouldn't, so I won't. I crawl into bed and shut my eyes, listening to the sound of Joe's breathing. He gets up in a minute, but is back shortly later. After a few minutes, his breathing deepens, which leaves me to my own thoughts.

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