Chapter 57: New Year Gone Wrong

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'Happy New Year!' Joe choruses as I wake up. 'Twenty fifteen here we come.' Last night me and Joe stayed up until after twelve to watch the fireworks on the TV and stuff, but I fell asleep immediately after. 'Happy New Year, babe.' I smile.
'What are your New Year's Resolutions?' Joe asks, intrigued.
'I only have one. That's to be a good mum. How about you?'
'Same, but a good dad. I'm not a girl after all.' Joe smirks.

I get up and quickly get changed before entering the kitchen. 'How's the baby this morning anyways?' Joe asks. We've been monitoring how the baby is recently because even though I've only been pregnant six or seven weeks, I feel like my bump might be showing a little already, even though it isn't. I'm just really self-conscious. Probably just because I'm putting weight on. I've been making sure I eat plenty, too, because I was putting weight on before I was pregnant but now I'm hungry all the time, so I think I'm at a healthy weight by this point. 'Fine, fine.' I answer, popping some potential toast into the toast machine. I eat my toast quickly and find my phone to ring my friends and family to wish them a Happy New Year.

Someone beats me to it, however. The caller ID shows Jack, so I pick it up quickly. 'Hey, Jack!' I exclaim.
'You need to come home. Right now.' He says tensely.
'I am ho -'
'No, like home home.'
'What, why?' I ask, baffled. 'Is everything alright?'
'Well, not really. Mum's been rushed into hospital.'
'Oh my God.' I don't bother asking why, I already know the answer to that.

My mum has probably been taken in with the cancer. I am aware that it can be very hard to manage and that it can make you very ill if you have an infection or other things because your body can't fight them both and as a result, illness takes over your life. 'Right, I'm on my way.' I say firmly, hanging up. I pull on a pair of blue denim jeans and a black baseball tee, a black coat. 'Joe, I've got to go!'
'Where?' He asks, sounding worried. I find my black boots and pull them on.
'My mum has taken ill overnight, she's in hospital.'
'Oh my God.' Joe sounds shocked. He wanders through to the hall and I take his hands.
'Will you come with me? I don't know what to expect.' I whisper. Joe nods and find his shoes. He didn't have to get changed, he was ready when I woke up.

We climb into my car and Joe drives away quickly. I'm desperate to see my mum right now but also very nervous. I've never seen her in a hospital and it will probably be quite a shock. Joe drives, I just stay quiet and look out the window. I'm not in the mood for talking. I don't even sing when Joe plays my Iggy Azalea albums, I love those things. 'Hey, are you okay?' He asks suddenly. I turn away from the window and shake my head.
'Why would I be?' Why would I be okay? At this moment, I'm not too sure. Joe stays quiet for a short while before saying, 'She'll be okay.' He smiles sadly and squeezes my hand quickly. 'I hope so.' I sigh.

We arrive at the hospital within a few hours; it's quite far from Newcastle. Jack is waiting outside and waves when he sees us. 'How is she?' I rush, hugging my brother.
'The doctors are saying she should be okay, but she is ill. She has a really bad infection or something and she is ill because her body is trying to fight this as well as the cancer.' Jack explains, letting go of me. I thought so. Jack takes us inside and through a few corridors, up some stairs and through more corridors before we reach the ward my mum is at. I take a deep breath and close my eyes before Jack opens the door to the room.

The shock is unreal. My mum looks skinny and pale, lying there lifeless. Her hair has vanished since the last time I saw her and she is hooked up to some machines. Some in her arms or chest, another tube in her nose to help her oxygen levels. I don't want to look, I don't want to see her in this state. Jack squeezes my hand as Joe squeezes my waist and I feel like my eyeballs are bulging out of my head because I'm being squeezed so much. I turn my face from the sight of my mum and instead bury my face inside the load of bodies that have now joined into a group hug; me, Joe, Jack and Finn. I pull back and leave the room quickly, trying to hold back the tears swimming in my eyes. I leave the hospital and walk through the car park and towards Joe's car.

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