Chapter 25: Leaving You

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I stand by the door, wrapped in Joe's arms. I really shouldn't cry, since I'm visiting pretty soon, but I do. He's helped me through so much this past week, and I'm going to miss waking up to seeing him every morning and his eyes sparkling at the little things and just supporting me. I try to pull myself together and just end up crying a little more. 'I'm going to miss you so much.' I sob.

'Babe, I thought you're visiting, like, next week.'

'I'm coming in two weeks or so, but - I just, you've helped me every day for the past week and have handled things with my brothers so well and now I have to face life every day without the person who has actually kept me happy . . . it's tough.' Joe has tears in his eyes and I can tell I'm making him upset. I wipe my eyes on the back of my hand and take a deep breath. I smile up at Joe and kiss him softly. He smiles down at me and squeezes my hands in his. 'See you in two weeks, beautiful. I'll call you tonight. Love you. '

'Bye, love you too.' I say quietly. With that I leave for the elevator because I feel like bursting into tears again.

I take another deep breath in the elevator, surprised no tears have fallen yet. I get into my car and drive away from the building and into the busy traffic of London. I call my brothers, as I can call them through my car. I find Finn's contact and call it. It rings four times before he picks up. 'Hey, big bro! I'm on my way back to Newcastle.' I say as cheerily as I can.

'Could you make a detour? You could come see me and Jack for a hour or two . . . have you been crying?'

'Erm, sounds like a plan and yes.'


'Long story. See you soon.'

'Bye.' I hang up and play some Jessie J as I drive to my brother's place. It doesn't take too long to get there. I knock on the door and Finn opens it.

'Hey, Estelle! Come on in.' He steps aside and let's me in. It seems quiet.

'Where's Jack?'

'Oh, he went out about ten minutes ago. Don't know when he'll be back.' Finn shrugs. I nod and take a seat on the sofa. Finn sits next to me and we're quiet for a while. Then, Finn speaks up. 'Why were you crying?' I sigh.

'Well, I was really sad to leave Joe because he's been there for me throughout absolutely everything this last week. Mum's cancer, arguing with you, just everything. And to think I would wake up every day and not have that support right there next to me kind of made me feel glum.' Finn nods and puts an arm around me.

'Well, me and Jack were thinking about this after I phoned you, and we're fine with you and Joe, honestly. You need to be able to do what you want with your life, and if you want to be with Joe, you can be with Joe. And if things did happen, we would support you because you're right. He's like our brother and we forgot that. So, we're cool.'

I smile, thinking about how Jack and Finn have finally learned to accept me and Joe. After an hour of messing on and collab videos, I head home. It was nice to see Finn and work things out completely. I give my brother a huge hug and say goodbye. I get into my car and start my drive back to Newcastle.

I play music from my phone through the car and sing along loudly. I wanna have your babies by Natasha Bedingfield comes on and I sing so loud I think the car behind me can hear me. Oh well, I just love this song. It's really good. After four hours of singing and my voice probably can't take one more song, I arrive back at my apartment. I wheel my suitcases through the door, still humming that same song. I take the lift and let myself into my apartment. The first place I go is my bedroom and start unpacking. I pop almost everything in the wash apart from shoes and that kind of stuff and then move to my carry-on. I hear my phone buzzing from inside my bag and I sit on the bed, rummaging through the bag to find my phone. I check the caller ID and when I see it's Joe, I answer immediately.

'Hey, Estelle!' Joe says excitedly down the phone. I squeal and reply with,

'Hey. Does it sound weird if I say I miss you loads already?' I giggle.

'Nope. I miss being able to cheer someone up, Caspar's no use.'

'I heard that!' I hear Caspar shout in the background. Joe chuckles,

'You were supposed to, mate.'

'It seems really quiet at the moment.' I sigh, pausing for a bit.

'You still there?' Joe asks worriedly.

'Yeah, I was just thinking about -' I hesitate before I tell him. It seems so odd and weird but when you miss someone you tend to think about them. 'I was just thinking back to nine years ago, how we met.'

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