Chapter 11

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'Day one of Vidcon was amazing! I got to meet so many of you today. If you are coming tomorrow, I can't wait to meet you. Look at this picture,' I say to the camera, holding up the drawing which looks exactly like me, and has "Don't Tell Estelle" wrote in fancy writing above it. 'Amazing! The girl who drew this, you'd better be coming tomorrow because I am going to hunt you down and give you the biggest hug ever!'

'Aw, that means I can't have a hug either!' I turn round to see Joe and smile. I hug him, squeezing his waist to display my sarcasm. He gasps and I realise I'm digging my "claws" into him, so I let go.

'So, me and Joe are going to the park.' I say as me and Joe leave Vidcon. We only needed to be there for the meet up, because then we are going to film our collab video. 'After that, we're filming our collab video and I'm really excited about that, it's gonna be a good one for you!' I squeal, jumping up and down like a small child on its birthday. Joe giggles and it's an adorable, soft and light noise filled with tenderness. 'Should we tell them?' I ask. Joe nods. 'Okay, you!' I say, shoving him playfully.

'We're going to be doing truth or dare!' Joe says, eyes wide and face smiley, jumping around like mental in front of the camera, animating himself more and more by the second. I'm laughing so much I can hardly breath, as people are staring as they walk past, some because they think he is a crazy person, and some because they recognise him. As Joe is ahead of me, I finish the vlog. 'After this I've got to go and pick up my presents from you guys, thank you so much! You guys, you really don't have to! Gifts aren't what I'm here for, I am here to put a smile on my lovely subscribers' faces. I'm probably going to have to get another suitcase!' I catch up with Joe who has waited for me. Eventually, we reach the park and find a bench to sit down on. For a while, we don't say anything. Then, I speak up. 'Do you remember much about last night?' Joe shakes his head. 'We kissed.' He doesn't say anything.

After a silence, he speaks up, 'I'm sorry.'
'It's fine. You were drunk. Do you even have feelings for me?' I ask him, glancing over.
'Yeah, I think I do.' I smile slightly- the answer I was kind of hoping for.
'I think I do, too.' I reply, quitely. Joe's head snaps up at this. 'Let's just see what happens.' I say, standing up. We make our way from the bench and within minutes, Joe locks our hands together, as if we have done this a million times before. My smaller hand slots perfectly into his larger one, and the warmth radiates onto my palm, warming my fingertips, which are more than often freezing cold.

We walk through the park for what seems like an eternity, but I like it. We quiz each other on our general knowledge of one another; it was Joe's idea. 'What's my favourite colour?' I ask him. Joe has already quizzed me and I got sixteen out of twenty, which is a pretty good score if I do say so myself.

'Erm, lilac?' I nod, Joe looks so pleased with himself.

'Favourite song?' I ask Joe. He furrows his eyebrows in thought, as I have many from my different years.

'Oohhh, it's, erm, ahhh!' Joe is clearly racking his brain. He snaps his fingers and points at me with his free hand. 'You have three! Valerie, Bohemian Rhapsody and er. . . Purple Rain.'

'Damn, you're good.' I say, laughing. 'Okay, favourite singer?'

'Easy.' Joe states, 'Iggy Azalea.' I groan. He's getting them all right!

'Okay,' I start. This one he definitely won't get. 'My favourite sport?' Joe has no idea, I can tell by the look on his face. 'Um, basketball?' Joe guesses wildly. I laugh and shake my head no.

'It's ice hockey.' I say, chuckling. Joe looks surprised.

'Really?' He sounds surprised. I nod again.
'My most embarrassing moment?' Joe doesn't know this one either. I haven't really told anyone about it because I am so mortified by what happened. 'No idea.' He says.

'It was once when I was in a rush to get to the underground and I had my ear phones in turned up really loud and I tripped over my foot, fell down the stairs and then someone stood on me. Oh, God . . .' I face palm, remembering that moment. Joe is laughing so hard he's practically crying. I push him away playfully. 'My first pet?' I'm sure he knows this.

'When you were seven you had a hamster called Scamper. You said he was the cleverest hamster ever and he knew his name and stuff.' I'm impressed by how much Joe knows about me, considering we weren't friends when I was seven. 'And it escaped its cage and then climbed back in.'

'If triple points existed, that's what you'd be getting.'

After the questions, Joe got eighteen out of twenty, beating me. 'Yes!' He says, punching the air with his fist. 'Aw . . .' I say, pouting, astounded by his score. I can't believe how well he knows me.

'Right, I have one more question for you.' Joe says. A feeling of confusing washes over me. What question? He's already asked me twenty. He looks at me nervously, biting his lip, his big blue eyes fixed on mine. 'Will you be my girlfriend?'

It's like someone has put me on top of the world and is never going to bring me down. I smile the biggest smile ever, unable to stop and nod my head violently. 'Yes!' I say. Joe looks so relieved, I can't help but hug him. He picks me up and kisses me, long and deep. 'You still promised dinner.' I laugh, winking at him. This walk has literally been perfect.

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