Chapter 45: #DareJestelle

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MELISSA! Hope you liked your presents. Let me know what you got, hun. This one is for you, I know you were requesting it! :)



Zoë smiles and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze her tightly and pull back. 'I'm glad you're better, hun. See you at Christmas, right?' Zoë says, moving to her brother. Me, Joe, Zoë, Alfie and my brothers are spending Christmas together. I nod and say goodbye to her as she leaves the apartment with Joe. He's dropping her off at the station before we make a video together. 'See you at Christmas, Zo!' I wave at her as they drive away. She waves back and soon they're out of sight.

When Joe gets back, my camera is set up and ready. 'Hey!' I hear Joe shout as the door shuts. I turn around from fixing my hair in the mirror. I have chosen to wear my black skinny jeans and a white tank top with a load of fancy French writing on it. My makeup is done and my hair is in a fishtail braid pulled over to one side. 'Hi.' I say as I take a seat on one of the white chairs and Joe hits record, taking the other. 'Hello, Little Secrets, and today I'm joined with this guy.' I exclaim, shoving Joe very lightly. 'Hello!' Joe waves and smiles at the camera.

'You probably know him as Joe Sugg and what are we doing today, Suggy?'

'Well Harries, we are going to be doing a #DareJestelle video!' Joe says. 'I feel so weird saying that.'

'Yeah, it's weird. Well I went on my Facebook page and got you guys to give us some dares, so let the torture commence!' I smile.

'Okay, this first one says "Estelle, wax one of Joe's arms."' I read aloud, smirking. Joe puts a hand to his head as I stand up and walk to the bathroom, fumbling to find the wax strips. I rub one back and forth in my hands before placing it on Joe's arm. 'Estelle!' Joe moans, 'Don't!' I just laugh and count down.

'Three, two, one.' I rip the strip from Joe's arm and he opens his mouth, but no sound comes out. 'Ooowwww!' He moans after a while as I laugh. 'Fuck, that hurt. How can you do that all the time?' He looks at me and I shrug.

'You get used to it.'

Joe laughs before he's even read the dare aloud. '"Estelle, see how many ice cubes you can fit in your bra."' He laughs. I giggle before I realise how fucking painful this is going to be. I slowly walk to the freezer and remove two trays of ice cubes. 'Joe, you can count.' I frown, staring at the plastic containers. He replies with a simple "yeah" as I smack the ice cubes off the table and place them on a plate. 'Some of these are so rude! Look at the two we've had.' I shout through to Joe from the kitchen, only to get a laugh in reply. I bring the plate into the living room and set it on the table as I pick up an ice cube.

I then shove them one by one into my top, screaming. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck!' I shout, gasping for breath. I hop up and down on the spot and notice Joe laughing away, seven fingers held up. I cram more and more into my top and yell, 'Oh my God! Some of them are melting and some are sticking, fuck!' I shout quite loud. The pain is awful but soon the whole plate is empty. 'H-how many-y?' I gasp, hopping up and down some more.

'Erm, twenty five.' Joe says. I nod and rush to the bathroom, emptying the contents from under my top and watching the remaining ice cubes smash into the bathtub. 'Fuck.' I say, seeing how soaked my bra and top are. 'Joe, babe? Could you grab me another top . . . and bra?' Wow, this sounds like a fucking sexy film by this point.

Joe brings in the top and underwear and I lock him out the bathroom instantly so I can get changed. He's brought one of his t-shirts, so it's far too large for me, but I like it. I exit the bathroom and take a seat next to him as he locks our hands together. 'Alright, this one says "Joe, cover your face in peanut butter and Estelle, cover your face in jelly", so does she mean, like, jam?' I ask. Joe nods and I sigh as I get up once again, the continuous trips around the apartment becoming tiring. I find the jam and peanut butter and head back to the living room. I hand Joe the large tub of peanut butter and place the jam jar on my lap as I sit down. I go to put my hands straight into the sticky substance when something catches my eye. 'Oops, better take this off.' I say as Joe looks up and I remove the ring from my finger.

Oh shit, the ring. I forgot to take it off. Now everyone's going to thing we're engaged. Fuck. I look towards Joe nervously as I place the ring on the coffee table. He meets my eyes and immediately senses what I'm so nervous about. His mouth forms a slight "o" shape as he glances from me to the ring. I break eye contact with him and smile at the camera as I stick my hands into the jam jar and begin covering my face.

'Ew, this is so sticky!' I moan as I cover my nose in jam. My whole face is now a sticky mess. I glance at Joe who is now covered in peanut butter. It's not only on his face, as he's managed to get a large glob on his t-shirt. 'Oh wow, this is rank!' He says, staring at his hands. I smile and peck him on the lips, getting jam on his face. 'Y'all happy now?' I speak, turning to the camera and standing up. I walk to the bathroom and wash the sticky substance from my face. Joe's face is also clean when I come back into the living room.

I spy the ring on the table and begin the debate as to whether or not I should wear it for the rest of the video. I'm pretty sure most people will have seen it already, so I might as well. Joe finds another dare and reads it aloud. '"Estelle, get Joe to make you a surprise smoothie."' He laughs. I groan; this is going to be disgusting. I wait in the living room for Joe and hear the blender churning away. In a minute he's back in the living room, holding a glass of taupe coloured liquid, if you would call it liquid. It does not look like liquid.

I take it from him, smiling sarcastically. I hold my nose as I begin to chug down the smoothie. It tastes awful. Imagine drinking tar, that's what it's like. Taste and all. I gag a few times and stop here and there because it tastes so awful but somehow almost manage to finish the whole thing. Almost. I feel my stomach churning and the smoothie coming back up. I put a hand over my mouth and rush straight to the bathroom, throwing up. I wipe my mouth and flush, shouting, 'What the fuck was in that thing?' Joe laughs.

'You'll find out when you're editing.' He shouts back. I groan and rinse my mouth, brush my teeth. My feet take me back to the living room, where I find the worst possible dare for Joe.

I find one which makes me smirk wickedly. 'This one is fairly similar to mine I guess, but it says, "Make Joe a smoothie using everything spicy in your kitchen."' I read. Joe laughs as I get up and find all the spicy stuff in the kitchen. I put in a load of spices and a chilli and wasabi paste and some really horridly hot things before I mix it up in the blender. When I pour it into a cup, it's an off-white creamy kind of colour. It looks pretty gross. I walk back to the living room and hand him the glass as he pulls a face. He begins to drink and stops after one mouthful. 'Oh my fucking God! What - what's in that?!' He chokes out, eyes red and watery. I cackle, 'Oh, y'know. Just some wasabi and chillies and spicy things. The usual.' He gets up and rushes to the kitchen, coming back with a very large glass of milk. He looks ridiculous as he's not even bothered when he completely misses his mouth and spills it all over himself. 'Oh, well done.' I say sarcastically.

'That was awful.' He breaths, wiping his eyes. I place a quick kiss on his forehead, chuckling lightly.

I finish with an outro for my video and we decide to film a video for Joe's channel tomorrow. What I do not know. I stop recording and Joe takes my hand. I smile at him and he places a kiss on my lips. 'That video was fucking awful.' He chuckles, making me giggle. 'I know. I don't want to shove fucking ice cubes down my bra!' I exclaim, laughing before taking a serious tone, 'It's the editing I'm worried about. I'm just thinking now that I didn't wear a jacket, so my scars are on show. Also, the ring. It looks like we are engaged.' Joe frowns and pulls me onto his lap. I sigh into his chest and think on how I'm going to edit the video. I can't hide either of these things, and that's what is the worst thing. They have to be left in the video.

Only You(Tube) // A Joe Sugg FanFiction [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now