Chapter 51: Telling Everyone & Christmas Decs

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25,000 reads?!?! What?! That's insane! Thank you all soooo much for all the support I really do appreciate it. I can't believe how far this fan fiction has come, really. Chapter 51 and 25K I honestly can't thank you all enough for reading and sticking with this. I don't know what to say. Just thank you sooooo much! Enjoy this next chapter! Love you!

'Ohh, this is my favourite!' I sing as I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday by Wizard comes on MTV. I begin hanging a few silver baubles on the Christmas Tree. Joe smiles as I poke my head around the tree. I continue hanging the baubles on the tree, standing back to look at the finished product when I'm done. I adjust a few of the baubles which look too close to each other, before I find the silver star and attempt to place it on top of the tree. 'Joe, can you lift me up?' I call, standing on my tippy-toes. Joe grabs my waist and picks me up as if I'm lighter than a feather. I secure the star in place on top of the tree and Joe puts me down. I peck his cheek before I find the plug and connect it to the socket, making the tree lights dance and sparkle. They look stunning. Joe attaches another plug to a socket and another few sets of lights around the room come on; draped over the TV and around the window, which looks very pretty.

The snow outside the window mounts higher and higher, piling up on the ground. Me and Joe begin taking some ridiculous selfies in front of the tree and the snowy window and I can't help but laugh at how stupid we look. Joe smirks, looking from me to his phone. 'I swear to God, Joe Sugg. If you put one single selfie on Twitter I will -' PING! I check my twitter feed and see the worst one Joe took of me on Twitter. I was crossing my eyes so I was looking at my nose and sucking in my cheeks so my lips were all squished up in a funny shape. I honestly look like a dead fish. No joke, that's what I was trying to be when this picture was taken, and I've pulled it off pretty damn well. Joe looks fine, but I don't.

I glare at Joe and he gives me a cheesy grin. I dive on him and wrestle him to the ground. 'Take it down!' I laugh as he flips me over so I'm on my back.
'Never!' He yells at the top of his voice, laughing. I try to flip him off me but I can't. 'Joe, stop it!' I shout as he begins to tickle me. He stops, allowing me to sit up and catch my breath. I look around the room at the Christmas decorations as Joe stands up, offering me his hand. He probably knows what I'm going to do. I take his hand but pull him to the floor instead, tickling his sides. He laughs uncontrollably and I am forced to stop, as he looks like he can't breathe.

I get up and put a few of the worst pictures of Joe on Twitter. When I refresh my feed, everyone seems to be wondering if I'm pregnant. Was it leaked in any vlogs? I frown and look towards Joe, pointing at my phone screen. 'Did you tell the fans?' I ask, slightly concerned of how the fans seem to know.
'No. Did you?' I shake my head at Joe's question. I open YouTube and see that Zoë and Alfie are amongst some of the people uploading about my birthday. Shit. The announcement was probably left in. Crap.

The first thing I do is find my camera, hitting record. 'Hey, Little Secrets! Now once again, me and Joe have an announcement we weren't planning on letting slip until possibly Christmas but it accidentally got "leaked" in a few vlogs from my surprise birthday party last night, which was amazing. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes on my social media and I got quite a bit of PO Box stuff which was so sweet of you guys, so thank you! But enough stalling. Joe, are you coming?' I say to the camera, turning away to call for Joe, who is in the kitchen. 'Yeah!' He replies, slowly wandering through to the living room and taking a seat next to me.

'Okay, then. You tell them.' I say to Joe as casually as possible. He sighs.
'Why can't you? This is hard, you're the one who's -' He starts but I cut him off,
'Joe, please?' I plead slightly. He smiles weakly and nods.
'Alright.' I smile as he turns to face the camera. 'Okay. Well, this is really good news, I guess. Estelle is pregnant!' Joe exclaims, his weak smile replaced with one much more genuine. 'Yeah! So that settles those rumours, they are true.' I smile, pulling Joe into a hug. I connect our lips briefly before I finish with my outro and we film basically the same video for Joe's channel.

I sit at the foot of the bed in a small huddle, rocking back and forth a little. I need something to do because my video is uploading and I want to take my mind off it. I end up completely re-organising my wardrobe in colour-coordinated order. The video is nearly uploaded by the time I decide to put some music on to take my mind off things. I put on my favourite playlist, which basically consists of rap and hip-hop music, the rare pop or rock song. Joe walks in half way through my rave to a song called Fuck Love. I must look like a right nutcase. '"Fuck love give me diamonds!"' I sing loudly, making Joe laugh at the fact I'm swearing for no apparent reason. I check my laptop and see that the video has been uploaded, so I tweet about it. Joe's video has also just gone up.

I close my YouTube page and instead begin to type another essay I need to write for uni and also for when I start at the research centre. That reminds me, I need to book the flights for Australia. Me and Joe decided we would go at the start of March, as I start in May, and it will give us some time to get sorted. Once the flights are booked and sorted, I fall back on the bed. My eyes close and I fall asleep straight away.

I wake up and my feet walk towards the bathroom. I am going to be sick, I can feel it in my stomach. I groan loudly and flush, brushing my teeth. I feel so ill right now. I also want to cry because I feel so bored with what to do right now that my mind has gone into an unstable mode and it's very depressing. I wander back into the bedroom and Joe looks up, a concerned look on his face. 'Are you alright?' He asks me worriedly.
'Yeah. Just morning sickness and what-not.' I yawn, rubbing my eyes.

'The comments are all really positive, by the way. Everyone's really happy about the baby.' Joe beams. I smile back almost with a force. I can't be arsed to smile, it's too much effort. Okay, I officially sound like the biggest bitch in the world right now. Yay, smiley face! Please note the amount of sarcasm used there. 'Good, good.' I manage to say.
'Do you want pizza or Nando's?' Joe asks. I think he's guessed I'm in a bad mood and food always stops a bad mood because it boosts energy levels and shit, which isn't shit but you know what I mean, right? 'Erm, Nando's sounds good. I'm not bothered, though.' I reply, fidgeting.

Joe sighs and stands, walking over to me. He places a kiss on my lips and I smile up at him. 'Is it obvious I'm in a bad mood?' I chuckle. Joe smiles.
'Only a little.' He kisses me again and I smile to myself. 'So, big hands. Do you want me to get food or . . . ?'
'Whatever, just whatever.' I say lazily. Joe laughs.
'I'll go.'
'Cheers, babe.' I smile. I don't think I'd make it to the front door because I feel so tired.

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