Chapter 9

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I watch Joe cautiously as he takes another shot. Then another. Then another. I drag him away from the bar, glaring at him slightly. He's giggling and slurring and is definitely drunk. 'Joe, you need to stop drinking!' I shout over the music. A few of the others are drunk, such as Tyler, but Joe's totally lost it. No one is as bad as he is, it's not even that late. He laughs as I roll my eyes. Yep, he's drunk.

'Babe, just one more?' He says through fits of giggles. Babe? This is ridiculous.

'Oh my god Joe, you need to have a bteak from the shots honey, have some water.' I say, my eyes wide with worry. Joe can hardly walk in a straight line, so I grab his arm and drag him back over to our table insistently. Joe looks at me, clearly peeved, but I keep my grip firm.

He grabs hold of my waist and pulls me in to him, and I know what he is about to do. I feel the adrenaline rush inside of me, as he leans in, kissing me. I kiss him back, closing my eyes and getting sucked in for a minute, elated by the feeling of his mouth on mine. But I realise where we are, and who we are with, and my eyes widen as I glance at my brothers, worried. Joe bites my lip slightly, and I gasp. 'Joe!' I say, but his lips remain connected with mine. Joe is drunk, completely drunk. I notice my brothers looking and push Joe off me, exasperated.

Without warning, they run up to him, pushing me out of the way in the process. Finn punches him in the face so hard he is knocked backwards, and Jack pushes him. Joe hits them both, and soon we're standing on the street outside the club. 'What the fuck, Joe?' Jack screams as Joe hits him. Finn turns to me, his face angry.
'What the actual fuck, Estelle? What were you thinking?!' He shouts in my face. I laugh sarcastically.

'I never asked him to!' I shout back, my face red with anger. 'Are you an actual idiot? Can you not see how drunk he is?!' Now it's his turn to laugh sarcastically.

'Yeah, that's really believable isn't it?'

'Finn, you have to believe me!' I shout, a tear falling down my cheek, out of both anger and anguish.

'Well how come I don't?' He says, his voice shaking. Another tear escapes, so I let it fall.

'I'm not the one who made the first move - stop being so controlling! You've literally never let me do anything that you're not comfortable with! Well, I've grow up, and I should be aloud to do what I want!' I scream. Oh my God, I'm so annoyed with him right now.

'Because me and Jack don't want anything to happen to you! Right now though you could get hit by a fucking bus and I honestly wouldn't give a shit!' That hurts. I slap him. Hard. He claps a hand to his cheek, where a bright red mark burns his face. So, he hits me, and it is my turn to clap my hand to my cheek with a shout. 'Go to hell.' I snarl at my brother, spitting at his feet.

Alfie and Caspar have managed to separate Jack and Joe and everyone else is just standing around nervously, looking around anxiously, desperate for it all to stop. 'Just . . . leave me alone, Finn. I can make my own choices.' I say, my voice catching. I walk off down the street, sticking my middle finger up at him as I leave and he shouts obscenities at me.

I hear the sound of shoes behind me and break into a run, not knowing where to go. I find a small alleyway and slouch against the wall. I see a silhouette in the entrance. 'Stel, babe?' It's Zoë. Hearing her gentle voice makes me feel so much worse, feel so guilty, that I can't contain myself. She holds me tight, like a mother would her child. I hug her, still crying.

'W-what happened?' She asks softly. I take a deep breath to explain.

'Well, your brother got drunk. Like, really drunk. And I tried to tell him that he needed to stop drinking and he just laughed and I tried to tell him again, but he just wasnt listening. It was never going end well. But then ... he kissed me. I didn't know what to do, I was so shocked i coukdnt do anytging about it really. Then my brothers saw and well, they beat him up and then w-we got into a h-huge argument and now I never want to see them again . . .' I choke on my tears and start to panic slightly, but Zoë calms me down. She knows how to deal with a panic attack, so I feel better.

'Okay, let's get you home.' She says softly. I nod.
'But my brothers will be there.' I say worriedly. Zoë nods. Knowing we have to go back sometime, I give in. She calls a taxi and we hop in, paying the guy as we pull up at the house. The door is unlocked, so Zoë takes me up to my room. I hug her tight. 'Thank you, Zo.' I say, still teary. She smiles sadly and nods.

'It's okay.' She walks down the corridor as I shut the door. When I enter the room, I see Joe leaning over the toilet looking like he's going to be sick. I rush to him and put a hand on his back, patting it.

After five minutes, I say, 'Joe, are you okay?' He shakes his head, lowering his head and throwing up a few times. He sits back on his knees, wiping his mouth with his hand. I get him some tissues and pull him up to wash his hands in the sink. 'Are you okay now?' I ask soothingly. He nods, looking up at me. His eye is purple and swollen, there are several scratches on his face, and his lip and nose are bust. I mop up the blood around his face before he walks over to my bed and lies down. 'Joe sweetie, that's my bed.' I say, trying not to laugh at his stupidity.

'I know.' He says quietly. I feel confused.

'Why aren't you in your bed, then?' I ask. He smiles.

'Your bed is more comfy.'

I sigh, grabbing my things and heading to the bathroom to get changed. When I come out, I settle on Joe's bed. 'No.' He mumbles. I look at him as he looks at me. He pats the spot next to him on my bed, so I move to keep him happy. He puts an arm around me and falls asleep straight away. I like this so much. It's perfect. But it's the alcohol - not Joe - doing this. With that in mind, I fall asleep as well, my face still stinging from Finn's slap.

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