Chapter 29: Don't Want To Go

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I wake to sunlight seeping through the blinds. Joe's body is wrapped around mine, and I feel like I'm wrapped in a blanket. A human blanket. That sounds weird, but it feels so perfect. I snake my arm over to the bedside table and grab my phone. I open my camera and take a picture of me and Joe. I then open Twitter and tweet the picture with, "Awe! How cute does @Joe_Sugg look when he's asleep?" as the caption. I instantly get hundreds of favourites, replies and retweets. I then put the same picture on Facebook and Instagram.

'I saw that.' Joe mumbles sleepily into my neck. I grin and look up at him, noticing a cheeky grin is plastered on his face as I lock my phone. 'It's cute.' I say rather defensively, and Joe chuckles. I try to get up, but Joe won't unwrap his arms from around my waist. 'Joe, baby? I need to get up now so I can get ready.' I say softly.

'No.' Joe moans, 'it's your last day here! Just five more minutes . . .' He's right. Today is the last day we have together until Christmas time. Unless he moves in, but even if he does, that's still a month or two away. I relax and nuzzle into Joe's t-shirt. He rests his chin on my head and kisses it. I don't want this moment to end.

Soon, it's been half an hour, and we're still just lying in bed, talking and laughing every now and then. After a while of silence, a song runs through my head. Rolex. This makes me think. The song is about losing the one you love . . . what if that happens with Joe and me? 'Joe?'

'Mhm?' He mumbles back. I take a deep breath.

'What would you do if we split up?'

His grip on my stomach tightens, and I gasp slightly from him squeezing it so tight. 'Are you . . . are you breaking up with me? What are you trying to say?' There's a pang of hurt and worry in his voice, and I wish I'd never asked him in the first place.

'Oh God, no! We're not breaking up, I'm just wondering.' I say as calmly as possible, 'I don't know what I would do. I'd probably cry every day. I had a song stuck in my head and I was just wondering. I let my curiosity get the best of me, I won't ask again . . . I'm like Alice in Wonderland. She's a curious child.' After all, Alice was always a curious child. Joe relaxes his grip slightly. 'I don't know, Alice in Wonderland. I'd lose it.' We're silent for a bit before I whisper,

'I love you so much, Joseph Sugg.'

'I love you more, Estelle May Harries.'

'What are you two lazy bastards doing?' Caspar says curiously, poking his head around the door cautiously and causing me and Joe to giggle. Caspar has his vlogging camera in his hand. Joe props himself up on his elbows. 'Stuff.' He wiggles his eyebrows at Caspar and I open my mouth in shock before karate-chopping at his arm, causing him to fall flat on his back in the bed. 'Joe! You can't say that!' Joe smiles cheekily at me and I shoot him annoyed look. 'We were just talking.' I correct of Joe. Caspar nods suspiciously and leaves the room.

'Damn, that hurt!' Joe rubs at the spot on his arm where my hand knocked him. I laugh and nibble at the bowl of fruit salad in front of me. 'What did you expect? I only did karate until I was a black belt.' I say matter-of-factly.

'Well, why?' Joe asks in a silly voice.

'Self defence! Also, even though I took it before I was a nutter, afterwards it helped with any remaining anger issues I had.' Yup, I was an angry teen for about a further three months after the problems at school. I released that anger through karate.

Joe's phone vibrates and lights up with a text message. He checks it, grinning, and replies immediately. He then turns to me. 'What time do you go back?'

'Six, why?' I ask curiously.

'Well, I just got a text saying that there's a huge YouTube party tonight. Zoë and Alfie are travelling to London now to go. I think all our mates are.' Joe frowns slightly. 'Do you think you could go back later, then?' I think for a second.

'Joe, I'll be pissed by the end! When does it start?'



'It says eleven, but it'll probably be later than that.'

'I've got nothing to wear!'

'Go shopping with Zoë when she gets here, then.' I can tell Joe is finding an answer to every excuse I make just so I can stay. But really, they're not excuses as I really mean it. 'Fine. But do I stay here an extra night or just go to Zoë's?' I think aloud.

'Stay here. Zoë's staying in London, too. You can go back to hers in the morning.' Joe puts an arm around me. It gives me a fright, so I jump pretty bad. Joe laughs and Caspar runs up behind me and squeezes my sides, which makes me scream the apartment down. The two boys roll around laughing as I try to recover. I'm very easily scared, plus ticklish.

'You little fucks! I shit meself!' Caspar is vlogging, so I try not to swear, failing miserably. I finish my breakfast and Joe wraps his arms around my waist. 'Sorry, baby.' He says. I peck him on the lips, accepting his apology.

'S'alreet, man. I'm gannin' to find me phone so I can text Zo.' I say, heading for the stairs. 'Alreet love. When ya find it, ha'whey back.' Joe mocks.

'Oi, ya dodgy geezer! Ya mockin' me accent?' I giggle.

'Aye.' Joe replies. I laugh.

'Radgie gadgie!' I shout up the stairs as I grab my phone to text Zoë. Damn, I need to go shopping.

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