Chapter 52: Christmas Eve Eve

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'Happy Christmas Eve Eve!' Tan choruses to me over Skype.
'And to you, babe.' I giggle, waving.
'Awe, that means I can't be "babe"!' I hear Joe shout from the bedroom. I scoff sarcastically. 'Joe!' I shout back, laughing. Tan giggles.
'So, how's things going?' My best friend asks. I smile,
'Good. Yeah, good. There's so much snow, I doubt it's like this in Australia. How's things with you?'
'Grand. Are you coming to stay for the YouTube party tonight?' Tan asks. I forgot about that.

'Yeah. I think we're leaving in an hour. You're sure you don't mind us staying?'
'Of course not! We invited you, Estelle!' Tan giggles.
'Oh yeah. #DumbBlondeAlert.'
'Estelle! You've got twenty five minutes to pack!' Joe shouts, causing me to roll my eyes. 'I packed two days ago, it's you who's got twenty five minutes!' I shout back. 'Oh shit, yeah.' I hear Joe saying, probably mostly to himself. I chuckle at the fact he's so last minute. Tan smiles. 'I should go help, shouldn't I?' I say.
'Yep, you're Speedy Gonzales when it comes to being organised!' Tan nods, laughing. I laugh and say goodbye to help Joe pack.

'Let's go!' I shout through to Joe. He rushes to pull his shoes on as I begin to pull the suitcases towards the car, loading it by the time Joe has tied his laces. I just grab my bag from the coat hanger and lock the door after me. 'Are you driving?' I ask Joe. He nods. 'Okay.' I then get into the passenger's seat as Joe starts his car up. We drive away from the apartment building. I ring Tan to let her know we're on our way and end up talking to her about puppies and baby clothes and green tea for another half hour. Our conversations take the weirdest routes. Joe smirks the entire time I'm on the phone, so when I hang up I'm desperate to find out what's wrong.

'What?' I ask him.
'Nothing. It's just your conversations with Tan seem so pointless sometimes.' He chuckles. 'They're not!' I say, rather defensively.
'Okay then. What was the point talking about green tea?'
'Well, um . . . it tastes nice!' I say matter-of-factly. Joe just laughs.
'Pointless.' He mutters. I narrow my eyes at him sarcastically before cracking a smile, turning the radio up.

'Oh wow, I'm so hungry.' I moan as we pull up at the service station. I take out my purse and head straight for McDonald's and get a large cheeseburger meal. I make my way back to the car and climb onto the roof, waiting for Joe. I am sipping at my lemonade when he comes into view, laughing. I see him pull out his vlogging camera as he comes closer. 'What the fuck are you doing?' He asks, creased. I raise my eyebrows slightly. 'Hey, language! This is going on YouTube.'
'You can talk!' He replies almost matter-of-factly. I smile sarcastically.
'Back to your question. Well, I was really hungry as I am obviously going to be eating more food and I didn't want to stand so I just decided here was fairly comfy.' I explain, patting the car lightly.

Joe chuckles and shakes his head as I look around for a way to get off the roof. I settle with sliding down the back, landing on the boot. I continue to eat my fries and Joe pinches a couple, but I don't mind. We get back in the car and continue to drive. We're half way there, but we still have two hours or so. It doesn't take as long in the car as I thought. But the last time I came down for Christmas, I was on a coach because I didn't have a car and it took six hours. Thank God it's only four today. Me and Joe listen to Christmas songs and I vlog the little Christmas rave we have in the car. Tan's ringtone blurs from my phone and I rummage in my bag to pick it up.

'Hi! How long until you're here?' Tan asks.
'Erm, half an hour? I think, anyways. Just out of interest as well, what are you wearing?' I question, putting my head against the window for a second. I notice Joe smiling and shaking his head, probably at mine and Tan's usual phone calls. We say we're going to only chat for two minutes because we need to do something important, but we always stay on for about half an hour. Today though, I'm not staying on longer than ten minutes, as there's no point if I'm seeing her in thirty minutes. 'Oh. I think my white skater dress, y'know which one?'
'Mhm.' I nod.
'What about you?'
'My blue skater dress, actually. Twins!' I laugh. Tan giggles. Me and Tan always seem to wear similar outfits and we never plan it.

It's just a coincidence and shows how much in common we have, especially dress sense. 'How's the baby?' Tan asks quite suddenly.
'Fine, fine. Obviously no kicking and I did have morning sickness for a bit, but that seems to have died down.' I smile, even though she can't see. I finish my conversation with Tan within another five minutes, surprised I ended it within the ten minutes I planned to. We arrive at Tan's not long after this, however. She pulls me into a huge hug as she answers the door. 'Hi, how are you both? Was the journey down alright?'
'Aye, it was fine. And we're good.' I reply, squeezing her as she lets go.
'So you're staying over and then are you going to Jack and Finn's house or Zoë's or yours?'
'Ours.' I say simply. Tan nods and we move to her living room.

'How's the whole depression thing going?' Tan asks in a concerned manner.
'Good, good. I feel a lot better since I started taking my medicine, and the fact the kid's on its way is telling me not to do anything. That's the worst thing I could do, to be cutting.' I nod lightly at Tan who smiles quite generally, clearly happy I'm coming out of my phase.

I check the time on my phone and frown, showing Tan.
'Me and Estelle are going to get ready.' Tan announces to the boys.
'But it's only -' Joe is cut off by me and Tan.
'Two o' clock? Yes, we know.' This causes me and Tan to giggle at how in sync we are. 'I've just realised how early you two must have left.' Tan exclaims as we turn from the room. 'I know. We were on the road for nine, it was still pitch black when we got up because I insisted we were up at six. Early risers!' I answer.

I take a shower, wash my hair and my face, clean my teeth and when I come out of the bathroom, Tan has arranged our dresses, shoes and accessories side by side on the bed. She's set out our makeup on the dresser neatly and it's very impressive. 'Awe, Tan hun.' I smile appreciatively. Tan smiles and grabs her towel. 'Thought it would make us more organised.' She heads for the bathroom as I sit down at the dresser and begin to blow dry my hair.

Once it has dried nicely, I put it up in a bun, find the hairspray. I finish the style with a silver sparkly grip and then move onto my makeup, giving myself a sparkly blue smokey eye, intense contouring and highlighting and a nude lip. I'm curling my eyelashes when Tan comes out of the bathroom. I quickly apply my false lashes and then stand up, clearing my things for her. She takes a seat as I change into my dress and begin putting on my accessories, grabbing my little clutch bag and pulling on my shoes. I've chosen to go with silver hi-tops with this dress. I adjust the necklace Joe gave me around my neck so it is central before I take a seat on the end of Tan's bed.

'We're done!' Tan shouts as we begin to walk down the stairs.
'Only took you four and a half hours.' Jim says sarcastically, making me and Tan giggle. 'Well hurry up because we're ready.' She smirks. Jim puts an arm around her and pulls her into a hug. I "awe" at the cuteness of it. The boys take off to get ready so me and Tan settle on the sofa and begin our random conversations, the first topic being pickles. 'Are you kidding me?' Joe laughs, vlogging. 'Skiing penguins?'
'What? They would be cute!' I argue, crossing my arms matter-of-factly. He shakes his head and chuckles lightly. 'Shall we go?' Jim asks us all, looking at his watch. I think it's about seven so we should be leaving now. We nod and follow Jim to the front door. Tonight is a simple social get-together for me. Nothing more.

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