Chapter 16

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I hand Joe his phone back and wipe my eyes with the back of my hand. I feel so emotional and yet I'm not the one with the cancer. I pull myself into Joe's body and immediately feel protected and safe. 'You had me worried sick. I didn't know what would happen to you. Please, never leave me like that again. Whatever the problem, however big or small, we deal with it together.'

My brothers catch up a short while later and hoist me into a taxi home. The first person to see if I'm okay after running away is Tyler. 'Hey Queen E, how's that fucking life going. Not like -?' He laughs nervously and I immediately get his joke, smiling. 'It's fucking grand!' I reply in a fakr cheery voice, shoving him lightly. He laughs and obviously knows I'm trying my best to get back to normal.

Straight away Joe has to leave to go to Vidcon with the YouTube Boyband, but when they get back I am still really upset, so no one can really understand me. I talk and talk and talk, so fast I can hardly understand myself. 'Whey, I mean, you wouldn't leave us alone would you and then it was like a propa radge 'n' all and I was like shut ya gob 'cause I'm too knackered to talk, man.'

'Um, Stel? Will you slow down? I have no idea what you're saying . . .' Joe trails off.

'Reet.' I say, standing up and grab Joe's hand, dragging him to our room. 'Reet, I'm gonna teach you the Northern stuff.' I turn the camera on and start recording. 'Hello, Little Secrets! So even though we've already filmed a collab recently, Joe is having a bit of trouble.'

'When Stel gets stressed, she talks fast and in a Geordie accent. I mean, she does live there and stuff, but I have no idea what she is saying.' Joe looks at me, giggling, 'It's kind of cute.' Joe blushes and puts an arm around me.

'Hmm . . .' I smile, deciding to be a right bitch. 'Get off me.' I say, trying not to laugh. Joe looks offended and moves away, fake crying before we burst into laughter.

'Alright, let's start simple. When I watched Joe's accent challenge, the only one he couldn't really do was the Geordie one.' I remember watching that, screaming at the screen because he couldn't get it right. 'Do you know what "aye" means?' I ask. Joe thinks a second.

'Yes?' I nod at his answer, thinking on how to explain the accent.

'Say "aye". It's all about the tone, we pronunciate quite harshly.' I dip my pitch towards the end slightly. Joe repeats me, getting it right. I think on what to say next. 'So, I'm going to say some of my favourite Geordie words and I want you to guess what they mean and try to say them with a decent accent.' I laugh at Joe's expression. He looks pretty confused.

'Okay, so some of my favourite words from Up North are; aye, nar, propa, radge, radgie, gadgie, divvent, knackered, canny, gob, belta, reet and nout. Any ideas?' Joe's expression is one of confusion. I write them down on a slip of paper and hand him the words. He looks them over and runs a hand through his perfect hair.

'Right, aye means yes. Nar means nooo.' I nod violently. His accent is pretty good. 'Reet is right, because you told me the other day.' Joe smirks.

'Aw, shit!' I curse, giggling.

'Canny is good, reet?' I nod again, noticing he is using reet instead of right. 'And gob is mouth and propa is, like, proper.' I nod again. 'And I don't know the rest . . .'

'Take a guess.' I say to Joe. He nods and furrows his eyebrows.
'Is belta like, um . . .' He pauses a minute. 'A beating?'

'No!' I can hardly control my laughter. 'It's nowhere near that! It means really good!' Joe looks so lost it's untrue, and yet adorable.

'Does it actually?' He asks, puzzled. I nod, clapping my hands at his disbelief. 'Does nowt mean . . . nothing?'

'Yeah!' He's obviously so pleased with himself.
'Radge sounds like rage but Northerfied.' I shake my hand back and forth.
'Kind of. It means mad. So if you're in a propa radge it means you're really mad. But I'll give you it because it is practically right.'

'Oh, so radgie just means the same thing?' I shake my head.

'It means chav, so if you call someone a radgie it means they're a chav.'

'But the words are practically the same.' Joe sounds puzzled.

'Yeah, I know.'

'Does gadgie mean the same thing, then?'

'Nope.' I giggle. He literally has no clue. 'That means old man!' I exclaim.

'Well then, you're a gadgie.' I open my mouth in shock and shove him.

'I'm a girl!'

'Oh, I didn't realise.' Joe smirks.

'You know what? You're a radgie gadgie!' Me and Joe just sit in fits of laughter.

'Divvent . . . maybe don't? I-?'

'Mh-hm. What about knackered?'

'Like . . . Dead?'

'How uplifting, Joe.' He chuckles at my sarcasm. 'It means tired.' He nods. 'Then just say man after almost everything and say me instead of my also mam instead of mum and like after nearly everything, then you'll be able to understand a Geordie!' I decide we'll probably make a part two another time as well.

We film a best friends tag on Joe's channel and honestly it feels pretty awkward because it should really be the girlfriend tag. About twenty percent of the tag is reading and answering questions, the other eighty is just us pushing each other around and a lot of shoving. Jack, Finn and Zoë enter the room just as we're about to stop recording. 'What the fuck?' Jack asks.

'All we could hear was thuds, you guys sounded like you were going to fall through the roof!' Zoë giggles. I laugh.

'Oh, we're just filming.' I say cheerily. Finn raises an eyebrow which makes me chuckle. Me and Joe stop the recording and we decide to watch Paranormal Activity with the rest of the gang and I have to say, I am honestly going to shit myself when we watch it.

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