Chapter 26: In love

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Joe stays quiet a moment before he speaks. 'It sounds like something they'd say in a film, but I was literally in love with you pretty much the moment I met you.'

'And I'm the same. We met kind of awkwardly, to be honest.' I hear Joe chuckle on the other end of the line. 'Yeah we did. Your brothers were throwing you around after your first day of secondary school . . . then I caught you checking me out.' I can hear his smirk.

'Actually I'm glad you're not here because I'm blushing like crazy right now!

'It's weird to think that I'm dating my best friend.' I say to Joe. I'm really enjoying this, just talking about our past. Before we dated, when we still had feelings for each other but hid them away. Joe knows I had serious problems when growing up. I had no friends my age, I hated going to school. I would just hang around with Tan, Zoë, my brothers and him. To be honest though, I wouldn't have had it any other way. 'Yeah.' I stay quiet and just listen to Joe's voice. I hear something smash in the background and Caspar swearing. 'Listen babe, I've got to go. Caspar just broke something.'

I giggle and reply, 'Okay, baby. Can't wait to see you soon. I love you!'

'Love you too. See you in two weeks.' With that Joe hangs up and I put my phone away. I continue unpacking with a smile on my face. It's there so long my cheeks begin to ache. Once I've finished unpacking, I check the time and see that it's half six. I walk to the kitchen and make myself some salad. I've actually been so hungry today, so I have an extra large portion. I grab a can of diet coke and switch on the television. I literally bought this for tea a little earlier on, so there's no more food in.

I watch Princess and the Frog, as it's one of my favourite Disney films of all time. I sing along to all the songs and wrap myself in a large blanket so only my head sticks out. When it's finished, I watch Aladdin and then Home on the Range. What? I'm in the mood for a Disney movie marathon.

As the TV plays in the background and I'm nibbling on my salad, I do my weekly online shop: it should come tomorrow morning. In the meantime though, once I've finished my food, I can't think properly. All I can think about is my phone call with Joe. How he's loved me all these nine years and I haven't known until one week ago. It's also weird to think that the same applies to me.

I've always liked Joe, always. Since I first saw him and nine years on it's still the same. Except now we are together and now I'm not scared to admit I love him. I do. I really do love Joe Sugg. These past few days have brought me to realise that I need him to keep me calm and stop me from stressing. He's the only person in the whole world who has actually helped me with my anorexia, and now I am putting weight on. I couldn't be more relieved. He came to me straight away when my mum got leukaemia and stayed with me when I had my nightmares. I love him.

That's all I can think about, that and how much I will miss him. After all, he lives four hours away, and I go back to uni a week after I visit. I'm doing a marine biology course at Newcastle University, and I tend to study really hard for it as it's my dream to be a marine biologist. I don't have long left of my course, maybe just under a year or so. But because I work so hard and live so far away, I don't tend to see my friends too often, and it really saddens me.

There's nothing on TV, so I edit a few vlogs and new main channel videos until eleven o' clock. I then upload a new vlog on my side channel and upload a main channel video as well. I yawn and stretch out, even when I don't feel that tired. However, I still get ready for bed and climb under the covers with the light off. I lie awake for what seems like forever and a day, random events of the past week playing through my mind.

The day we got on the plane to Vidcon, the time there weren't enough seats in the minivan, having the pool fight with my brothers and Joe, making hilarious videos, going out, Joe getting drunk, having the fight, Zoë walking in and getting the wrong idea, being told my mum is ill, Vidcon, Joe announcing we were dating, the bad dream, Joe comforting me, truth or dare, my dates with Joe, our first kiss, every kiss we've shared, the plane home, staying with Joe, feeling so down about leaving him, seeing my brother and mine and Joe's phone call.

As all of these thoughts come crashing through my brain, I begin to feel my eyelids droop and the room fading from view as I drift into dreamland. Soon, sleep has overcome my body. I don't get it, I really shouldn't be tired.

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