Chapter 18

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I wake to my head hanging over the side of the bed. I turn over and stretch, seeing that Joe is not in his bed, but that there is a note left on the bedside table:

Gone out for breakfast, couldn't wake you up so thought I'd let you sleep (I also knew you wouldn't eat anyways). Should be back about half ten. See you then, gorgeous. Love Joe. I sigh and get up, stretching again. The house seems strangely quiet when there's no one else in. I head to the kitchen and get a glass of water as well as a handful of blueberries. I promised Joe I'd start to eat, so that's what I'll have to do.

I sit down to watch something on TV, but there's nothing on. Instead I decide to make a video after I get ready. I change into a black playsuit, judging that it is about 30 degrees outside, and apply some eyeliner and mascara. I fill in my brows and only add concealer, then I brush my teeth and put on a light pink lipstick. My skin needs to breathe today. Admittedly, I have woken up this morning to a number of pimples starting to surface on my face, probably from the stressful events happening as of lately. I brush my hair through and just let it flow around my face. I can't be bothered to put it up or do anything with it. I grab my camera and start filming.

'Hello, Little Secrets! So recently, a lot has gone on which has become hard to handle. I'm not one hundred percent sure if I want to let you all know yet because I really don't think I'm ready. I only just found out a short time ago and I haven't processed it and it hasn't sunk in. But I'm in L.A. right now for Vidcon and I can't wait to see you all very soon.' I finish the video before deleting it straight away. It was just a do and delete. Get things off my chest. Just then, Joe walks in.

I get up and pull on my black strappy sandals and leave the room, determined not to be last for once. Only Jim and Tanya are downstairs, so I pull Tan to one side. 'Hey babe, what's up?' Tanya asks. I can tell her absolutely anything in the whole world and she'll always be on my side and help me out.

'I'm in a seriously bad mood. I don't know why. I just feel empty and like someone is drilling a hole in my heart.' Tan hugs me and holds me tight. 'And I have kind of been avoiding Joe but I don't know why so I think that he thinks I'm in a bad mood with him. He's done nothing wrong.' I feel really bad as I tell Tan this. She pulls away and looks at me.

'Well, just explain to Joe that you're not in a mood with him and that a lot has happened in the past couple of days or so. I can't help you with feeling glum, it may just take time. It's been a shock to us all.' Tan knows my mum very well and I know that this is hard for her too. I smile sadly at Tan and realise everyone else has arrived downstairs.

We pile into the minivan and Jim drives us to Vidcon. We sprint inside and head behind the stage, as we are on the main stage in half an hour. I approach Joe and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around quickly, as he's talking to Tyler. When he notices it's me, he relaxes slightly. 'One sec, Tyler.' Joe says.

'Okay.' Tyler replies cheerily, turning around and glancing out into the main stage theatre as the seats fill.

'Look, Joe. I'm really sorry I've been "avoiding" you, but I've just had a seriously rough twenty four hours and I just, you know.' Joe nods and smiles.

'I get it, babe. Don't worry, I get that you're really stressed.' Joe kisses me gently on the lips and pulls me in towards his chest. I squeeze him a little too tight and he yelps slightly, twitching. I let go and stifle a small giggle. He is so adorable. I give him a quick kiss which he deepens slightly.

'Oi, Joe! When you're finished making out with Stel, you're up!' I hear Alfie shout. I laugh and break away to let Joe step out onto the stage. After Joe it's Alfie, Jim, Jack and Finn. They are closely followed by Niomi, Tan, Zoë and then me before Louise. Marcus, Tyler, Caspar, Phil and Dan are already on stage. 'Okay, Estelle, come on out!' I hear Zoë shout. I step out onto the stage to screams and cheers as the bright lights blind me.

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