Chapter 31: Home Again

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HELLO! Okay, so I want to do a cast list but the girl I imagine Estelle as is actually a cartoon, but I picture her based on this character, so I imagine her to look like her but more realistic, if that makes sense. Anyways, the character does not have a last name, I looked it up online and the website said her full name is unknown, so I am sorry for that! Cast list will be up soon, though.



'Me, Zoë and Niomi are going into Brighton to spend the day together, then I'm driving back up to Newcastle and then Tanya is coming up before I drive back down South to see my mum.' I speak to the camera I've propped up in my car. I talk a little more before I turn the camera off and just sing along to the songs on the radio. Soon enough, I have arrived at Zoë's place in Brighton. I've been thinking about what happened last night and, since I can't remember, I decide I'll ask Zoë.

'Zo, were you drunk last night?' I ask her casually. She turns her attention to me,

'No. But you were.' She smirks, and I feel my cheeks heating rapidly.

'How bad?'


'What did I do?' I need to know how much of an idiot I was. Zoë thinks for a minute. 'Basically, you just kind of made out with my brother and did dirty things I don't even want to imagine . . .' She giggles as my eyes widen.

'But I was wearing clothes when I woke up!' I protest.

'No, not like that! Just, well - other things. Like, when you were dancing and stuff, because you were both mortal.' I bang my head off the desk.

'Fuck my life. Fuck my life. Fuck my life.' I say this a countless amount of times.

'You left at about two in the morning, and you were drunk off your heads, you and Joe.'

'Okay, cheers Zoë. I'm glad I don't remember.' I laugh.

Zoë, Niomi and me then head into Brighton. Whilst they buy lots of things, I don't buy anything. I just window shop instead. I don't have the money to be spending on things I don't really need, I already did that with Zoë yesterday. I actually feel really bad for getting drunk last night because Joe is her brother. I'll apologize before I leave.

At seven o' clock when I leave, I squeeze Niomi and say I can't wait until I see her again around about Christmas, before I turn to Zoë. As I hug her I whisper, 'Sorry about last night . . . I'm a bitch.' She just laughs.

'It's okay. Happens to us all.' She replies, squeezing me. I give her a little squeeze back and then say goodbye another time before leaving.

By the time I've reached the turn-off at the A1, it's pitch black. After all, it is eleven o' clock. I get into my apartment and find the tub of vanilla ice cream. I then search the cupboards and find sprinkles, chocolate-caramel sauce and gummy bears. I chuck them all into the tub and turn the TV on, watching Finding Nemo. I eat all the ice cream and have some diet coke as well by the time the film has finished. I Skype Joe, even though it's really late.

'Hello?' He mumbles sleepily. I must have woken him up - I'm such a bad girlfriend. 'Hey babe.' I say happily. Joe switches his bedroom light on, smiling into the camera. 'Hey! How was Brighton? Were you alright getting back?'

'Yeah, it was great. We went shopping, but I didn't buy anything. And yeah, the drive home was fine as well. Little awkward in the dark but good. How's your day been?'

'Good good. Me and Caspar met up with Marcus and just wandered around London. Topic of conversation? How drunk me and you were last night.'

I feel my cheeks burning and Joe smirks. 'Your face! You're redder than a tomatoe!' He exclaims.

'It's weird, like. I was asking Zo earlier on. I felt bad because she saw us and you're her brother.' I frown, 'I'd say never again, but who am I kidding? It will almost certainly happen again! Ah, our lives.' I sigh and Joe chuckles.

'How are you not tired?' He yawns after a minute or so. I shrug,

'Not sure. I just don't feel tired. I just drank a load of coke and had a full tub of ice cream, so I'm having a bit of a sugar high, I guess?' I giggle and make funny snort-like noises.



'Are you on crack?'




'Drugs of any kind?'

'Still no.' I laugh at Joe's serious tone.

'Are you sure?'

'N-yes?' That confused me. I thought he was going to bring up another drug. 'Yup, I'm sure.' I nod.

'Joe, stop talking about drugs with your girlfriend! I'm trying to sleep here!' I hear Caspar complain.

'Sorry, mate.' Joe shouts back. Caspar mumbles something which I can't hear, but it makes Joe chuckle. He puts a finger to his lips and lifts the laptop, bringing it with him as he begins tiptoeing out of bed. He grabs the blow horn and walks quietly to Caspar's room. I have to stifle my giggles into my pillow. He opens the door, puts the horn next to Caspar's ear and there's a horrid noise followed by a scream and laughter. Uncontrollable laughter. Me and Joe can hardly breath. Joe begins running and I hear Caspar running behind him. 'Gotta go, love. See you later, I'll call you tomorrow.' He laughs.

'Okay, bye!' He ends the call just as Caspar trips him up.

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