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This Prince Will Help You Out of the City

Da Shun’s troops fought their way to Qian Zhou’s capital city but did not choose to launch an assault. Instead, they listened to Feng Yu Heng’s orders and began preparing congee. Not only did they prepare congee, but they also prepared soup. This soup was brought out from Feng Yu Heng’s space, and it was a soup that they had asked for from the chef of Refined Deity Building. Having been placed in the space, it could be brought out at any time to be consumed.

The earthquake and avalanche had caused a change in the climate. It caused Qian Zhou, which had always had northerly winds to begin receiving southerly winds. The winds were blowing from the South toward the North, carrying the fragrance of the congee and the aroma from the soup that had a 100-year-old soup base from Refined Deity Building. The fragrances were carried over the high city walls and into the capital city.

At first, the soldiers at the top of the city’s walls did not understand why Da Shun did not engage in a battle with them, instead choosing to begin making food. Now, however, they completely understood. It turned out that they were trying to deplete their morale!

Qian Zhou’s soldiers had not eaten their fill for many days. The capital had been the epicenter of the earthquake. The majority of the four mountains surrounding them had collapsed, and a large amount of ice and snow had poured into the city. The imperial palace had also been quite filled. The citizens’ residences were all ruined. Nobody knew how many people were buried under the snow, waiting to be saved. The food in the granaries was being rationed, the hunters were no longer being permitted to enter the mountains and domesticated animals had already frozen to death. The people no longer had any food to eat. Compared to being buried, dealing with hunger was the most pressing issue.

Outside the city, Xuan Tian Ming and the soldier sat to the side of the pots. Holding bowls and eating congee, the soldiers joked and laughed with each other. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

Roughly half a day later, Prince Lian received some news. He told Feng Yu Heng: “The situation in the city is critical. Not many buildings remain inside, and over 90% of the imperial palace was damaged. All of the citizens are remaining outside, suffering from the cold and hunger. There are many that did not die from the avalanche but have died from being exposed to the cold or starvation. But the imperial granary still has food left. Feng Zhao Yu is a lucky brat and is still alive. A large number of soldiers are also still alive. They have blocked the city’s gates, not permitting any of the citizens to leave. They want to save the capital.” He spoke while taking a large gulp of soup. He then said with a look of admiration, “Apparently, this aroma has almost caused the city to devolve into chaos.”

Feng Yu Heng smiled very slyly. While smiling, she said to Xuan Tian Ming: “An external disturbance is nothing more than an annoyance, but internal strife is truly problematic.”

Xuan Tian Ming laughed loudly, “Just a disturbance is not enough. We still need to find an opportunity to get into the city to take a look. We still have a debt to repay to the Qian Zhou’s imperial family. We still need to personally collect on those fingers.”

Feng Yu Heng squinted her eyes and began to think of realistic ways of getting into the city. She had originally wanted to come to this Qian Zhou, but now that it was in this sort of situation, there was not much point in having it. Once she took care of the Feng family, she would need to think of a way to make use of this wasteland. She could not leave it empty like this.

Outside the city, the food prep continued all day and all night. Xuan Tian Ming’s army had a large amount of rations. In addition to this, Qian Zhou was a land of snow and ice. They could just dig some up and place it in pots for water. There was not enough firewood; however, Feng Yu Heng had numerous ways in her space to start fires without firewood.

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