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Fu Ya’s Request

Feng Yu Heng looked at Fu Ya and was able to roughly guess Yao shi’s request. Sure enough, she saw Yao shi move to Fu Ya’s side and hold Fu Ya’s hand, saying to her: “Allow my daughter to move into the residence and accompany me.”

Although she was discussing this with Feng Yu Heng, her tone was resolute and would not accept refusal. In truth, Feng Yu Heng really wanted to ask, did she really not view her as her daughter? The protection that I provided on the way back to the capital from the Northwest, the imperial order that I had obtained to allow you to get a divorce from Feng Jin Yuan, and all of the protection that I had provided for you to allow you to live a better life, what was it all for?

But she was unable to ask this question. She thought that perhaps this was the best possible outcome for Yao shi, right? Fu Ya was someone that could provide sustenance for Yao shi’s heart. The love between mother and daughter that she could not get from her, Yao shi would be able to get from Fu Ya.

Feng Yu Heng smiled bitterly, “Since you recognize her as your daughter, whether or not she stays with you is not up to me. Rather, it’s up to her. Madam should ask her.”

After she said this, she turned around and returned down the path that she had come. While walking, she said: “You two talk it through. You just need to send someone to tell me. I will take care of everything else. I definitely will not allow you to suffer any grievances.” Without stopping, she left the courtyard and returned to her own.

Yao shi watched Feng Yu Heng’s back and let out a visible sigh of relief. Only after Feng Yu Heng left the courtyard did she turn to ask Fu Ya: “A-Heng, how about coming back to live with mother? Mother really missed you.”

Fu Ya furrowed her brow and looked at her. After looking for a while, however, a feeling of pity that she also felt toward Wu Li Sheng appeared. She nodded and said to Yao shi: “Alright.”

Feng Yu Heng returned to her own courtyard, and Qing Yu went to busy herself with the stores. Wang Chuan and Huang Quan, however, remained at her side while feeling frustration. This was especially the case for Huang Quan, as she could not keep her words to herself. Upon entering the courtyard, she immediately began speaking: “As I see it, that Fu Ya should not have been brought back to the capital. Or she should not have been living in the manor. Isn’t this just causing trouble?”

Wang Chuan shook her head and said: “You, whenever you speak or act, it lacks consideration. If you could think a little more, you should understand why Fu Ya was brought back and not left in the North.”

“Hm?” Huang Quan was puzzled, “Why do you say that?”

Wang Chuan looked at Feng Yu Heng. Seeing her nod, she continued: “That Fu Ya resembles young miss so closely that even madam was mistaken. Say, if this sort of person appeared in public and was taken advantage of by someone else, how much trouble would that cause us?”

Huang Quan froze and thought for a bit. She could not help but inhale sharply, “That’s right! How could I have not thought of this. If Fu Ya was captured by some bad guys, and they insisted that she was imperial daughter Ji An, the effects on the world would be enormous, but…” She shook her head once more and said: “Young miss is in the capital after all. With the real person here, won’t any rumors be dispelled on their own?”

Wang Chuan reached out and poked her head, “This brain of yours only thinks of one side without considering the other. If things happened in the North, rumors would take many months to reach the capital. To then rely on this side to dispell those rumors, many things can happen over the course of those months.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now