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Conspiracy of the Left Prime Minister’s Manor

When the servant heard Lu Ping mention imperial daughter Ji An, she could not help but recall when she had gone to send gifts for Lu Yao. She had heard later on about what had happened during the Yao family’s banquet. She could not help but feel worried: “Young miss, conducting business with imperial daughter Ji An is not easy.” This was an impression that she had formed after seeing Feng Yu Heng from afar. She was as cold as ice and kept people away from herself.

Lu Ping was feeling irritated and asked: “This is no good and that’s no good, what hope is there left for me?” Lu Ping was someone that very rarely got angry. Having spent many years as someone born from a concubine, and having a hidden illness, she had learned to patiently endure. Even when she had to deal with the ridicule from Ge shi, Lu Yao and Lu Yan, she had learned to not argue. Even if she had a hidden illness, she could not be bothered with thinking about those so-called family members. Regardless of whether she was good or bad, her current family would not be her final pillar of support. Rather than spending all of her time fighting, it would be better to focus her attention on thinking about her future.

“Jian’er, why do you think father is insistent on having me participate in the banquet this time? If my illness is not cured, how could he be so willing to bring me out?”

With her asking like this, Jian’er had no choice but to reply, but she was still just a maidservant. How could she have the ability to analyze the situation. After thinking for a long time, she finally said: “Eldest young miss is 17 years of age this year. Perhaps master is also getting anxious?”

Lu Ping sneered, “Anxious? That may be. His second daughter caused that sort of trouble. Although it’s already been resolved, it was an outcome that shocked everyone in the Lu family that knew about the circumstances. Heavens knows whether the granny from the palace’s eyes are going bad, or if she was bribed, but regardless of the situation, the reality of the situation is known by the other side. In the future, who knows what sort of trouble might be caused. Of course, the Lu family is currently feeling anxious. They’re anxious to push me out, hoping to obtain a guarantee outside of Lu Yao and Lu Yan; however, who knows what sort of person will be arranged for me.”

Jian’er had grown up in the Lu family from a young age. She naturally understood what her young miss’ words meant. She thought for a bit then said, “Thinking about it now, only the sixth prince has not yet gotten engaged. Perhaps master is thinking…”

“Impossible.” Lu Ping shook her head, “Not to mention that the sixth prince is presently not in the capital, and it’s impossible for him to participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival’s banquet, even if he returned, do you think that my status as the daughter of a concubine from the left prime minister’s manor could be the official princess of the imperial family?”

Jian’er was puzzled, “Why not? Isn’t the Feng family’s fourth young miss going to become his Highness the fifth prince’s official princess? She is also the daughter of a concubine! Moreover, young miss, you are so beautiful. In this world, not another person more beautiful could be found. Why could you not?”

Lu Ping smiled bitterly, “The girl from the Feng family got very lucky. It’s not like you’ve never heard about how difficult it was to come across the position of official princess. Also, she ended up with a weird person like the fifth prince. If it was any other prince, it would be an impossible matter.” While she spoke, she waved her hand, “Forget it. Let’s not talk about this matter. Either way, there aren’t many days left until the Mid-Autumn Festival’s banquet. Whatever arrangements father has, he will come and tell me sooner or later. What we should worry about presently is my illness. Say, if I went to look for imperial daughter Ji An, what sort of compensation should be given?”

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