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Dad, You Really Command Respect

Yao Shu calling out “wife” caused Lu Yao, who was sleeping in the outer room to smile with satisfaction. She then replied: “Husband, is something the matter?” While she spoke, she could still hear footsteps heading in her direction. They were very light, as he was not wearing shoes, but his breathing was getting heavier. This caused the entire room to have a strange atmosphere.

Lu Yao was very satisfied while watching Yao Shu walk over to her bed. She did not allow for any explanation, hugging him directly and quickly returning to the bridal bed. With their clothes removed, it was an enchanting scene.

That night, Yao Shu felt as though he had a very long dream. In this dream, he had paid very close attention to his recently married Lu Yao; however, it was very unreal. In a bit of a daze, he was a little bit reluctant, but if he acknowledged this reluctance, he felt that he was letting Lu Yao down. With this internal conflict, he slept very uneasily and sweated a lot. When he woke up at dawn the next day, his sheets had been completely soaked with sweat.

He was very sober and felt as though he had not slept at all. He thought that everything had been part of a dream, but he now knew that it had happened. He turned his head to look toward Lu Yao and saw that she was seated on the bed under some sheets. She was looking at him with a look of remorse.

“You woke up.” It was Lu Yao that woke up first. Her voice was a bit hoarse, and her eyes were a bit red. It was very clear that she had cried. Yao Shu wanted to ask what had happened to her but heard Lu Yao continue: “It was this wife that was not good. This wife has sullied husband and is feeling very sad. But perhaps husband drank too much last night. Wife does not have much strength and could not do anything.” The more she said, the quieter her voice became. By the end, she lowered her head and stared at a piece of white cloth on the bed. Finally, tears began to fall.

Yao Shu was originally a very kind person and did not have much hatred for Lu Yao in his heart. Before the drug fully took effect, he had already thought things through. Furthermore, he had no clue that the candle had been tampered with, which caused him to feel as though his feelings were unbearable. Upon hearing what Lu Yao said and seeing this scene, his heart began to feel distraught.

He sat up and pulled his wife into his embrace. With kind words, he comforted her for a while, saying to her: “Having married into the Yao family, you are my wife. Everything that has been done should be done. Don’t worry. we won’t bring up the matters of the past. The Yao family is gentle, and nobody will bully you.” As he spoke, he saw that Lu Yao continued to stare at the white cloth. He was able to guess what she was worried about. Getting out of bed, he found something sharp and made a small cut on his arm then wiped some blood on the sheets. Only then did she seem satisfied.

Lu Yao let out a sigh of relief and acted very well, hugging Yao Shu’s arm and refusing to let go. She placed her mouth on the wound and sucked for a while. Seeing that it was no longer bleeding, she let go with tears in her eyes. Yao Shu mysteriously felt even more distressed.

The young couple lay in bed for a little while longer and said some intimate things before a maidservant entered to wake them up. After washing up and getting dressed, they went to serve tea to the family elder. The wife would then bring the blood-stained cloth to Xu shi. Seeing Xu shi smile and nod, Lu Yao finally relaxed. It was just when she looked at Yao Xian, she felt that his gaze was too sharp. Because there was a bit of resemblance to Feng Yu Heng, her heart trembled slightly.

Through this wedding, Lu Yao had survived a perilous situation; however, who knew that in the Lu manor, the third young miss, Lu Yan, nearly caused an uproar. The servant Ru Yi tried to console her and finally managed to have her calm down, but Lu Yan could not understand, “There really are plenty of strange things in the world. Could it be that the palace’s granny was paid off?”

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