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Feng Jin Yuan’s Nature

Prince Lian moved into the new residence and had not yet put up a sign. At this moment, the servants were currently being directed by Prince Lian in putting up an inscribed sign that read: “Lian Manor”.

The servants stood on ladders, while Prince Lian directed from below. From time to time, he would say: “A little left, a little further left, you’ve gone too far. To the right, to the right. No, no, it needs to be a bit higher.” His voice was crisp and clear. It was not completely soft like a woman’s, and it still had a bit of valor to it. It sounded very distinct and extremely pleasant.

Feng Jin Yuan’s carriage stopped slightly to the side of the Lian manor. He lifted the curtain and looked out. His gaze could not be shifted from Prince Lian, no matter what he did.

The servants of the Lian Manor were also lacking in competence. It was just a sign, yet they were still unable to satisfy Prince Lian’s wishes after a few tries. Prince Lian rested his hands on his hips, and the look of irritation on his face caused the feeling in Feng Jin Yuan’s heart to be even harder to suppress.

The Feng family’s driver was in the dark and lifted the curtain to ask Feng Jin Yuan: “Master, are we not going back to the residence? This carriage can’t just be left here in the middle of the road!”

Feng Jin Yuan waved his hand in irritation, simply getting out of the carriage. He then scolded the driver: “What’s the point of saying so much worthless stuff? Just bring the carriage back first!” After saying this, he walked toward Prince Lian in large strides.

The driver had been scolded for no apparent reason and had no clue what exactly he did wrong. Filled with sorrow and unhappiness, he drove the carriage back while looking back. With this glance, he happened to see Feng Jin Yuan walk over to the side of the beautiful woman next door. The smile on his face gave off a feeling of being on the verge of blooming.

The driver shuddered and thought to himself that he had truly seen something strange. Master Feng was already a partially crippled person. Why had his lust not died down? Just going up so brashly, not to mention whether or not that beautiful woman would look favorably upon the current situation of the Feng family, but even if she did, what of it? Master Feng, are you capable?

The driver returned to the residence with a look of disdain on his face. On the other side, Feng Jin Yuan walked behind Prince Lian. Taking a deep breath, he very politely cupped his hands and said: “Kind greetings to young miss!”

Feng Zhao Lian never thought that someone would suddenly call out from behind him. This gave him a fright, and he suddenly turned around. While patting his chest, he said: “Who are you? You scared me to death.” This voice was filled with displeasure, causing Feng Jin Yuan to take a couple steps back.

Back when he had seen this girl directing the servants from his carriage, he knew that this girl was not the sweet-tempered type. This was contrary to the women that he had brought into his residence. There was the graceful and restrained Yao shi. There was also the stoic An shi. There were also the charming Han shi and Jin Zhen. Confident and powerful, Kang Yi and the Cheng shi sisters could not be excluded. But he had never met someone this beautiful with a bit of stubbornness and heroic bearing that was opposite of the usual young miss’ bearing. Feng Jin Yuan’s mind worked. No matter how he looked at her, he felt that this woman was truly one of the best in the world.

Just looking caused him to become dazed and lose track of how long he stared for. The stare lasted for so long that the Lian manor’s servants could not bear to continue watching, with one of them going up to ask: “I say, who’re you? Is there anyone that would stare at a girl like this?”

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