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Precisely Who Is Married, Choose for Yourself

Feng Yu Heng brought up the marriage once more, scaring Noble Lady Yuan into casting the thoughts of her title to the back of her mind. Staring straight at the Emperor, she hoped that he would shake his head and say that he would not permit it.

Unfortunately, things did not go as she had hoped. Not only did the Emperor not shake his head, but he even nodded and went with what Feng Yu Heng had said: “We have thought about this marriage today. Although he does not have much of an impression of the Lu family’s daughter, Mo’er has been stationed at the border. Someone that he has chosen for himself, it would not be good for Us to go against his intention. This marriage will be decided like this. When Mo’er comes back to court for the new year. We will personally sanction the marriage.”

Once these words came out, the Lu family did not say anything and immediately stepped forward to kneel on the ground. They immediately kowtowed and gave thanks for his grace. Lu Song then said: “This official gives thanks for the imperial decree and will work even harder from this day forward to be loyal to Da Shun and help share Your Majesty’s burdens.”

The Emperor nodded and did not say anything else. His gaze, however, landed on Lu Yan and looked for a long time. Lu Yan had kept her head lowered the entire time and did not know that she was being sized up by the Emperor, but Lu Song had raised his head when speaking and saw this clearly. He could not help but feel his heart move into his throat. He silently hoped that his daughter would be put in a good showing at a time like this and not make any sort of mistake at a critical juncture like this. If the Emperor was somehow offended and made unhappy, this marriage would be canceled, and the Lu family would have celebrated for nothing.

Fortunately, Lu Yan could be considered competent and continued to kneel silently, not causing any problems. But on the other side, Noble Lady Yuan finally had her collapse, as she loudly shouted: “No!” She then desperately crawled forward. Just as she was about to reach the Emperor’s feet, Zhang Yuan gave a look to have palace servants immediately step forward to carry her back. Noble Lady Yuan cried loudly in anguish. While crying, she loudly screamed: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty, you can’t agree to it! How can the daughter of the Lu family be worthy of our Mo’er! Your Majesty, please think it over!”

Her pleas did not receive even the slightest bit of sympathy from the Emperor. The Emperor even looked at Noble Lady Yuan in a strange manner and asked: “Was this not exactly as you hoped? We have now supported you in this, so why are you asking for Us to think it over?”

Noble Lady Yuan froze in place. When had she ever hoped to become joined with the Lu family? How could today’s matter be supporting her son?

Before she could think it through, Feng Yu Heng spoke up, saying to her: “The young miss of the prime minister’s manor is already quite good for a noble lady’s son. Noble Lady Yuan, what is there to not be satisfied with?”

Noble Lady Yuan fiercely stared at her and angrily said: “This is all because of you! It’s all because of you! Although I was recently demoted to noble lady, you must not forget that my son is the eighth prince. He is Prince Sheng and is a general that has been protecting the border. He has a high standing and influence. How could a lowly prime minister’s manor be worthy?”

Feng Yu Heng shook her head, “Noble Lady keeps looking down on others while having an inflated sense of self. Earlier, you said that I was a lowly imperial daughter, and now you’re saying that the Lu family is a lowly prime minister’s manor. Then in the noble lady’s eyes, what sort of person is as venerable as you? The current left prime minister is a standard first rank official. If this sort of family is considered lowly, what sort of girl are you wanting His Highness the Eighth Prince to marry? In the current Da Shun, among the girls around this age aside from this imperial daughter and Palace Princess Tian Ge, the daughter of a standard first rank official’s family should be the most venerable, right? If this is still not enough to satisfy you, then the only one that would be worthy of His Highness the Eighth Prince would be the princess of another country.” As she spoke, she suddenly came to an understanding and rushed to say: “Thinking back to the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Noble Lady and the seventh princess of Gu Shu seemed to be very close. Could it be that Noble Lady has taken an interest in that seventh princess? If it’s like that, A-Heng will help you ask Father Emperor for this.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now