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Apology for Xiang Rong

Feng Jin Yuan was completely caught off-guard and chased out. For a while, he was a bit surprised. Were they not speaking quite well, so why did she immediately have him chased out? Even saying something like beating him if he did not leave? What exactly was his second daughter playing at?

But even if there were doubts in his mind, he did not dare tempt fate. After all, he understood his second daughter too well. If she said to beat someone, that person would definitely be beaten. He did not want to suffer a beating for no reason. As for where he would spend the day, he really needed to think carefully. At the very least, he would need to make another attempt at the Feng residence. He had spent a long time outside and had not had a chance to change his clothes. It was truly very uncomfortable.

Once Feng Jin Yuan left the manor, Feng Yu Heng quickly asked Huang Quan: “You’re certain about that matter?”

Huang Quan nodded, “It was a piece of news that came from the Lian residence. It can’t possibly be fake. Feng Jin Yuan dressed up as a retainer to get closer to Feng Zhao Lian. As a result, he was found by Fen Dai, which caused him to be kicked out.”

Feng Yu Heng snorted coldly, “It really serves him right! This time, Feng Fen Dai did something correct. This sort of father must not be kept in the home. It’s a pity that I just told Feng Jin Yuan about the deed belonging to him. If I knew about this earlier, I would not have reminded him.”

Huang Quan was stunned, “Ah, now that Feng Jin Yuan is going back, he shouldn’t be going to get the residence back, right?”

“Get the residence back? He doesn’t have that ability.” Feng Yu Heng treated the pastry and tea as her breakfast. While eating, she said: “Feng Fen Dai is not like the former Feng Chen Yu. At the very least, Feng Chen Yu would know about the severity of things and knew that she needed to give her father some face. She knew that her future would rely on her father having a good image to support her, but Feng Fen Dai has always viewed herself as being above everyone. She never thinks before speaking or acting. She just needs to be satisfied in the moment and will not consider much of anything. Thinking about it, when has Feng Jin Yuan ever obtained a benefit from her? He wants the residence? Feng Fen Dai would need to give it over.”

Huang Quan thought about it and came to the same conclusion. After thinking about Fen Dai’s personality, she could not help but frown, “The children of the Feng family, I really don’t know how they were raised.” After saying this, she hastily added: “Our young miss is the exception!” Seeing that Feng Yu Heng smiled and did not say much, she continued: “Young Miss, shouldn’t we remind Prince Lian to be a little more reserved? His daily actions are too unreasonable. Currently, there is word spreading everywhere about him openly expressing himself to His Highness the Seventh Prince. Even the storytellers in the tea houses are talking about it. Wasn’t it said that he came to the capital for the sake of having Young Miss treat his illness? Why is the illness not being treated? Instead acting entirely as a woman?”

Feng Yu Heng was also helpless, “Precisely whether he’s a man or woman, I think he’s also quite confused. Just let him be. Although that person is a bit rowdy, he has a goal and is measured in his actions. After all, he is used to being in the spotlight. In the realm of schemes, he’s someone that survived the battle for the throne. He won’t cause a problem that can’t be cleaned up. That’s just his personality. Even if we advised him, it would be pointless. It would be best to just let him be.”

“But what if His Highness…”

“What if His Highness the Seventh Prince takes an interest in him?” Feng Yu Heng nearly spat out a mouthful of tea. There were times when she had to admire her maidservant’s imagination. Aside from beauty, Feng Zhao Lian did not have much else. As for that beauty, it was useless when it came to Xuan Tian Hua. Not to mention the fact that he already knew that he was a man, but even if he did not know, was Xuan Tian Hua someone that loved beauty?

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