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Thousand-Fragrance Perfume

At first, Feng Yu Heng did not know what could cause Princess Wen Xuan to become like this, but the earlier conversation allowed her to understand. Princess Wen Xuan had not come today for the sake of the banquet. Starting from the day that Yao shi had asked for the invitation, Princess Wen Xuan had already decided that she would keep an eye on Fu Ya during this banquet. But Fu Ya had not come for a long time. Could it be that said person had finally arrived?

She thought about it and looked toward Princess Wen Xuan; however, the maidservant at her side had already left Heavenly Hall. She then looked back at her and slightly nodded to try and make her feel relieved.

Feng Yu Heng relaxed. With Princess Wen Xuan taking action, she trusted that Fu Ya, even if she did come, would not be able to cause any disturbances.

In the square outside of Heavenly Hall, there were two people happily conversing. Or it could be said that one of the two was pulling along the other while chatting with a joyous expression. The person that was doing the pulling was Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu, who had escaped from the group of imperial concubines. If the one being pulled along was not Fu Ya, who could it be?

“With your appearance being the way it is, it must be a grace from the heavens.” Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu stared at Fu Ya and practically became dazed. Were there really people that looked so similar in this world? She even suspected that this girl named Fu Ya was a daughter that Feng Jin Yuan had left behind. It also created a thought. Later on, she would definitely send people to properly investigate. Did the Feng family truly leave a daughter on the outside?

Fu Ya listened to Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu warmly speak with her for a while, and she gradually warmed up from her initial unfamiliarity. She would even be able to smile from time to time. At the same time, she understood why a dignified princess would actually come and speak with her. It was all because of her face. Fu Ya now understood that as long as she desired, she could accomplish many things with this face that closely resembled Feng Yu Heng. Even Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu thought more than once about inviting her into the palace to chat. There was also what the girl from earlier had said. As long as she was willing, she would be another Feng Yu Heng. At the very least, in the eyes of many, that would be the case.

It turned out that coming into the palace would allow her to have this sort of return. Fu Ya wondered, did Yao shi expect this sort of outcome? Or was this all within Yao shi’s control? She knew what she would be able to get, how many noble people she would meet and that a feeling of wanting to replace Feng Yu Heng would arise inside her. But what exactly was Yao shi planning? She was deliberately plotting against her own daughter by propping up her as a replacement. What sort of benefit would this be to Yao shi?

Fu Ya became confused for a while. At this time, a maidservant quickly headed in their direction. Arriving before the two, she quickly saluted Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu then said: “Would Imperial Concubine please forgive me. Our master has invited Miss Fu Ya into the hall.”

Imperial Concubine Yuan was frozen and asked: “Your master? What master?” A bit of anger appeared between her brow. Looking again at the maidservant’s clothes, they appeared to be a bit familiar, but they were clearly not the clothes worn by palace servants, thus she became arrogant once more: “This is the imperial palace. It’s not the small courtyard that you’re from. Your master is nothing after coming into the imperial palace. Why should someone at this One’s side be called in?”

Imperial Concubine Yuan’s current fierce bearing was completely different from before. Fu Ya was a bit flustered but also came to understand that the people of the imperial palace had many faces. If she wanted to change, she could immediately change without any progression at all. As for herself, she did not have this ability. She might not even be on the same level as a cricket. They would not even take a second look at her. Thinking like this, she decided that she would cherish her face even more. The enmity of her parents would need to be avenged using this face.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now