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Father Emperor, Help Support A-Heng!

“His Highness the Ninth Prince has gone to send the princess of Gu Shu back to her country, and he is currently in the South. A few days ago, a letter arrived that said that His Highness the Eighth Prince, who has always been stationed in the South, has had a joyous celebration. Based on what I know, His Highness the Eighth Prince personally chose some great gifts and has asked His Highness the Ninth Prince to bring them back to the capital with him. They are a betrothal gift to be sent to the Lu family’s third young miss.” As she spoke, Feng Yu Heng stood up and saluted grandly toward Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu, saying: “I really must congratulate Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu!”

Once these words came out, a piece of news came out. This was that the eighth prince was going to be joining the Lu family!

But why was this?

Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu was dazed, and everyone present was dazed. But compared to everyone else’s surprise, the Lu family rejoiced quite a bit. Lu Yan was so moved that she even grabbed Ge shi’s arm and repeatedly asked: “Is this true? Mother, is this true?”

Ge shi also could not understand. To the Lu family, this was an unexpected joy, but could this news coming from Feng Yu Heng’s mouth be trusted? She quietly asked Lu Song: “Husband, didn’t you go and see Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu this morning? Did you hear her mention it?”

Lu Song shook his head and sighed: “Not only was it not mentioned, but Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu even rejected this marriage. Our Lu family has not even reached the point of supporting His Highness the Eighth Prince? What can be used to help him? Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu has clearly told me that marriage between the two families is impossible; however, I don’t know why it’s now… ah!” He suddenly swayed and seemed to have become enlightened, as he said: “I’ve got it. Our Lu family’s situation is something that has happened over the past two months, and Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu has sent a letter to His Highness the Eighth Prince about this marriage before this. After the Lu family’s incident, even if she sent a letter, it was already Winter, and it would take two or three months to reach the South. As for the letter that His Highness the Ninth Prince sent back, it should be after the first letter that Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu sent. Like this, His Highness the Eighth Prince should not know too much about our Lu family’s situation. Or perhaps… the information still had not reached the South when His Highness the Ninth Prince sent this letter.”

But after thinking about it some more, he was not too optimistic, “Even if it had not reached the South, it’s a matter or time. As I see it, this marriage won’t happen.”

Lu Yan, however, did not care about such things and only said: “It won’t happen? Since Imperial Daughter Ji An has already said it in front of so many people, that means it can happen. Also, it must happen!” She spoke resolutely with her eyes opened wide. She told Lu Song, “The Lu family and the eighth prince being joined by marriage is something that was mentioned by the ninth prince’s letter. Father, now that Imperial Daughter Ji An has said it in front of so many people, do you think that these words can be retracted?”

Lu Song was startled, “You mean to say…”

“Daughter means to say that we should turn the trick against her.”

Lu Song’s eyes lit up and exchanged a look with Ge shi. The family of three immediately came to an agreement. Thus Lu Song stood up and very politely saluted to Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu, saying: “Many thanks Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu for the favorable care. My young daughter will definitely not become bedeviled by His Highness the Eighth Prince.”

“Shut your mouth! Cease your nonsense!” Imperial Concubine Yuan Shu became frantic, as she suddenly stood up. No longer having the time to worry about speaking out against Feng Yu Heng, she pointed at Lu Song and said: “Who said His Highness the Eighth Prince will marry your Lu family? This One definitely does not agree! Also, the marriage of a prince requires His Majesty’s approval. How could it be agreed to with just you saying it?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now