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Dying Sooner, Dying Later, All Will Die

After meeting with Imperial Concubine Li, Fen Dai slowly returned to the banquet, but before she could get close, she saw the fifth prince waiting for her around the corner. Fen Dai snorted to herself and increased her pace, walking over to the fifth prince.

Xuan Tian Yan watched this girl and really wanted to knock her unconscious with a slap and carry her back. He very nearly shattered his teeth from gritting them so hard. Seeing Fen Dai draw near, he fiercely grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled her over. He used a bit too much strength, and Fen Dai fell into his embrace. The two bumped head on, and their chins bumped into each other.

Fen Dai angrily glared at Xuan Tian Yan and rolled her eyes to say: “You drank too much haven’t you? With so many pairs of eyes watching, what sort of look is it to hug me like this?” Although she said this, she did not leave Xuan Tian Yan’s embrace. Although she was young, she was very precocious, and she was also very good at knowing how to make Xuan Tian Yan happy.

Sure enough, when this beauty acted spoiled, Xuan Tian Yan lost his will. Although Feng Fen Dai did not have the exceptional beauty that the late Feng Chen Yu had, she was still Feng Jin Yuan’s daughter. Thinking of the younger Feng Jin Yuan, he was a famously beautiful man. In addition to this, her mother was Han shi. A woman that had come from a brothel, how could she look bad? Fen Dai did not look like much when she was younger, but as she grew older, she began to look better and better. She already faintly showed signs of becoming a beauty.

Xuan Tian Yan had been extremely angry, but the majority of that anger had already dissipated. Helpless against Fen Dai, he looked like he was coaxing a child while gently patting Fen Dai’s back. He patiently said: “You really just are not tranquil. I know that your father was incompetent and dragged the Feng family into its current situation, while you are proud. It’s natural that you would feel unreconciled. But Fen Dai, sooner or later, you will grow up and you will get married. When you marry me, everything that the Li palace can give you will be far more than what the Feng family could ever give you. You are a daughter of a concubine in the Feng family, but you will be the official princess in the Li Palace. Isn’t that good? Why bother meddling with all of this?”

Feng Fen Dai pushed him away, and the two separated. Fen Dai then put on a long face and said with an unhappy tone: “Meddling? What am I meddling for? If you could be a little more competent, would I need to meddle? Xuan Tian Yan, you can be incompetent, but don’t block my way.”

“Can I not block your way?” Xuan Tian Yan became a little anxious, but he did not dare speak in a loud voice. He could only awkwardly speak in a quiet voice: “Don’t think that I don’t know! You went to find Imperial Concubine Li for the sake of Old Sixth! And you doing this is for no other reason than to push me down that path, but have you ever asked if I want to? You went ahead and decided things for yourself, but have you ever wondered what I thought? Is that spot really that important to you?”

“Of course!” Feng Fen Dai’s eyes became fierce, and her attitude became resolute, “In the past, everyone said that the Feng family would produce an empress. At that time, they said that Feng Chen Yu had the aspect of the phoenix, but Feng Chen Yu died! As for Feng Yu Heng, she is no longer of the Feng family, and it’s completely impossible for Feng Xiang Rong. That’s why you should think about it, if the Feng family will definitely produce an empress, that could only be me. Xuan Tian Yan, I am currently your wife that has not yet gotten married. In the future, if I become the empress, you would need to be the emperor. Xuan Tian Yan, that position is just that important to me. If I can’t get it, I will have regrets when I die.”

After saying this, she pushed away the fifth prince, who still wanted to step forward. She headed back in the direction of the banquet, leaving the fifth prince alone to watch her parting figure. Who knew if his heart should feel hot or cold.

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now