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The Legendary Boyfriend Power

Xiang Rong’s appearance frightened Shan Cha, who did not dare ask. She did not even dare console her. She could only wait for Xiang Rong to tire herself out from crying. Only after she had finished crying did she hand her a cloth to wipe her face.

Xiang Rong, however, pushed the cloth away and stood up, angrily saying: “Change my clothes. I’m going to the Ping Palace!”

She headed to the Ping Palace with red and puffy eyes and a belly full of anger. When passing by the front yard, she bumped into Fen Dai, who was just returning. The two bumped into each other when passing by. Xiang Rong was filled with anger and bumped into her with a bit more force, leaving Fen Dai to nearly fall over.

“Have you gone crazy?” Fen Dai angrily shouted and subconsciously reached out to pull Xiang Rong, who was walking toward the gate, back. But she had reached out a little too slow, as Xiang Rong had already quickly left the residence and climbed into the carriage waiting outside. “She…” Fen Dai pointed at Xiang Rong in confusion and asked her maidservant Dong Ying: “Has she really gone crazy?”

Dong Ying was also puzzled, telling Fen Dai: “Fourth young miss might not have seen it earlier, but it looks like the third young miss had been crying. Her eyes were red, and her expression was a bit ugly.”

“Crying? Hmph!” Fen Dai snorted coldly, “From childhood ’til now, has there been a day when she didn’t cry? She’s the one with the weakest personality in the entire residence. What can she do aside from cry?”

“Her ability is quite great.” Dong Ying said this very reluctantly, which immediately caused Fen Dai to question her, thus she told Fen Dai: “Fourth young miss does not know it, but third young miss became very drunk last night. It was His Highness the Ninth Prince and His Highness the Seventh Prince that brought her back, and they were in His Highness the Ninth Prince’s imperial carriage. Arriving in front of the entrance, His Highness the Ninth Prince did not come out, but His Highness the Seventh Prince personally helped her into the residence until they arrived at her courtyard, when he helped her into her room. Young Miss, is that not a great ability?”

“What?” Fen Dai was given a big shock, “His Highness the Seventh Prince personally helped her into her room?” She nearly shattered her teeth from gritting them too hard. Fen Dai just could not understand, “What exactly is going on with the daughters of the Feng family? How come all of them fool around with princes?” She threw around these insults but forgot that she also had the fifth prince at her side. Also, she had been engaged, and it was this engagement that was providing for the expenses of the Feng residence. But Fen Dai just could not understand, “Why are they all changing from crows into phoenixes? Feng Yu Heng is whatever, but what exactly is good about Feng Xiang Rong? Why is it fine for her? No good, I can’t accept it. Feng Xiang Rong is just an ant. How can she mess around with His Highness the Seventh Prince? How can she become equal to me in the near future? No good, absolutely no good!”

Fen Dai had practically gone insane, as she just screamed wildly in the Feng residence’s front yard. Dong Ying was terribly frightened. While chasing off the servants that had gathered around to watch the scene, she advised her: “Young Miss, calm down for a moment. You must calm down!”

Fen Dai did calm down very quickly, but after calming down, her mind quickly began to spin. With Feng Yu Heng stepping on her head, it was already enough for her to become filled with anger. Now that Feng Xiang Rong appeared, this was something that she could not endure. Feng Xiang Rong, she liked His Highness the Seventh Prince? Then she definitely could not allow for this to become reality.

“We’re going.” Fen Dai sneered and spat out these words. She then began to head out the door.

Dong Ying chased after her and asked in confusion: “Where is Young Miss going?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now