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The Mad Demon Says, What of it?

“There are guests that have come from far away. Why is it that you have stopped outside the door? Is it Our fault for not being thorough with a reception?” The voice came from behind the wall. If a normal person heard it, they would think that it was a harmless scholar. But to Feng Yu Heng’s group, they could hear the force coming from this voice.

But she was not afraid. Feng Yu Heng never believed that there was a person from the ancient era that could harm her. In the worst-case scenario, she would hide in her space to move freely. Once there was an opening, she would shoot him in the head to get it over with. She was just very curious. Exactly what sort of person was the ruler of Qian Zhou?

Ban Zou took a step forward and stopped her, saying in a low voice: “This subordinate will go forward to take a look.”

Feng Yu Heng did not agree, “We cannot allow them to look down on us. Ban Zou, you should trust me.”

Ban Zou did not say anything further. He just knew that this girl’s decisions could not be changed by anyone. His Highness the ninth prince was incapable, much less him.

Feng Yu Heng stepped forward and walked into the Phoenix Pavilion. Ascending the spiral staircase, she finally stopped at the very top floor. Ban Zou and Prince Lian followed along behind her. While climbing, Prince Lian said: “The Phoenix Pavilion has never allowed any outsiders to ascend. This is also my first time coming up here.”

Ban Zou snorted coldly, “Then you need to be more careful and not get hurt from some sort of trap.” When he spoke, his tone was relaxed, but Ban Zou was exercising extreme caution. Looking all over, he feared that something would happen.

Phoenix Pavilion was not large. In the middle of the fourth floor, there was a normal hall. There was a man in yellow robes sitting there while holding some nice tea in his hands. The aroma of the tea drifted over and was very pleasant.

Feng Yu Heng looked at him and felt that if this person walked in the streets, the people would only think that he was some sort of teacher or was a student preparing for the imperial exam. None would connect the dots and realize that he was the ruler of a country, much less the ruler of Qian Zhou!

It was said that the ruler of Qian Zhou was violent and brutal. He had a vicious heart and would go to any extreme. He treated people savagely and even disowned his own family. Even the administration of Qian Zhou could not be described even remotely as soft. Under this tyranny, the citizens complained incessantly.

But it was this sort of person that was born with this appearance. Feng Yu Heng thought that sure enough, one should never judge based on appearances.

“Everyone says that the tea of this frozen land is not as good as the tea of your Da Shun in the South. A few years earlier, We also received some tea from the South. When drinking it, however, I feel that it’s not as fragrant as the tea of this frozen land.” Feng Zhao Yu spoke idly. Picking up a cup of tea, he extended it to Feng Yu Heng, “Imperial daughter, do try some.”

Feng Yu Heng did not speak, but Ban Zou said: “My master is not thirsty.”

Who knew that Feng Zhao Yu would shake his head and look unhappily at Ban Zou then say: “So noisy.” He then waved his wide sleeve, exerting a bit of inner strength. This resulted in Ban Zou being pushed back numerous steps, all the way to the stairs.

Feng Yu Heng’s pupils moved slightly, and Ban Zou was shocked. It was Prince Lian that was not too surprised. His cousin was extremely proficient in martial arts. This was something that he knew.

Ban Zou could not hold back his anger. After standing up straight, he wanted to charge forward; however, he saw Feng Yu Heng raise her hand to have him give up on this idea.

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