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The Grown Zi Rui

On the third night before the new year, Zi Rui returned to the capital from Xiao Zhou. The child that had not been seen for many months had grown a bit taller, which caused Feng Yu Heng to sigh: “If you continue to grow like this, you will be taller than elder sister.”

Feng Zi Rui heard this and stood up a little taller, loudly saying: “I am a boy. Teacher said that I will very quickly grow taller than elder sister. When that time comes, Zi Rui will take on the responsibility of protecting elder sister. I will no longer allow elder sister to be bullied.”

Feng Yu Heng laughed and held onto him: “How could elder sister be bullied? Zi Rui’s worrying for nothing.”

“How have you not!” The child became furious upon hearing this and immediately broke free from Feng Yu Heng. Crossing his arms across his chest, he furrowed his little eyebrows and loudly said to her: “Feng Yu Heng, don’t assume that I don’t know. Although I was in Xiao Zhou, I still have a bit of an understanding of the capital’s situation. Whether or not you have suffered is something I am very clear on. My heart is also clear! Just speak, is there anyone in this world that is closer than we are?” He loudly screamed these words. After saying them, however, he felt that there was a flaw and immediately revised his statement: “I was speaking in terms of blood relatives. The bond that is formed through blood. Brother-in-law doesn’t count.”

These words caused Wang Chuan and Huang Quan to both laugh, and even Feng Yu Heng could not hold back her laughter; however, the child then said: “Be a little more serious. I’m talking about something serious.”

Thus Feng Yu Heng had no choice but to properly reply: “There are none! In the entire world, there is only our Zi Rui that is closest. Everyone included, you are the closest.”

Zi Rui nodded his head in satisfaction then said: “That’s right! I am your younger brother, and we are the closest. So what is the need for you to hide things in front of me? If you’ve suffered a grievance, just say it. If you’re unhappy, just say it. Elder sister sending Zi Rui to attend class, could it be that it was just to have Zi Rui learn how to read and write? That could be taught by any teacher here in the capital! The reason that Zi Rui went to attend school in Xiao Zhou’s Yun Lu Academy was to learn more than just reading and writing. Elder sister, although Zi Rui was far away in Xiao Zhou, I could still hear about the happenings in the capital. Zi Rui knows that she ran away, and Feng Jin Yuan also ran away. There’s also that Fu Ya. They gathered together to form a family of three; however, they left elder sister alone in the capital. Before Zi Rui even set out, Zi Rui has been worried about how much grief elder sister must have suffered, and my heart could not be at ease, and I just hoped that I could quickly come back to your side. But you still pretend! You even put on a cheeky grin! You even say that there’s nobody that can bully you! Elder sister, do you think of me as your younger brother?”

These words left Feng Yu Heng stunned in place. The young child’s voice echoed inside her head, and each word pierced her heart. Along with that grief-filled little face, the child gritted his teeth to hold back the tears.

She suddenly choked up then suddenly pulled the child into her embrace. Without giving a thought about whether they were in the entrance, she began to cry. With her crying, Zi Rui also began to cry, which caused Wang Chuan and Huang Quan to wipe away some tears. This sight even caused the eyes of the imperial guards that were standing guard to turn slightly red.

While Zi Rui cried, he said: “You still dare to say that nobody dares to bully you. You’re already crying like this. Who knows just how much you’ve been bullied. Elder sister, Zi Rui has already grown up and can already share your burdens. Even if I cannot protect you completely, you can at least talk to me when you run into something troubling. Don’t just focus on doing things for my benefit without letting me know about anything and sending me away to Xiao Zhou whenever something happens. Xiao Zhou is not the safe haven that you think it is. I don’t want to run there and only focus on my studies. I want to know if elder sister is having a good time each day and know what sort of things are happening in the capital. Elder sister, I’m begging you. Don’t push me away, alright?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now