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Master for a Day, A Parent for Life

Following this shout, the imperial carriage stopped directly across from Feng Yu Heng's carriage. The attendant lifted the curtain, and the fourth prince, Xuan Tian Yi, came out.

Feng Yu Heng had stood up to receive Xiang Rong, but now that she saw that the fourth prince had come, she could not stop her lips from curling into a smile, as she proclaimed internally that he was someone loved despite his faults.

Before she could react, Xuan Tian Yi rushed over and cupped his hands: "Imperial daughter Ji An, long time no see!" For someone that had been placed under house arrest for a long time, he was in quite good spirits. His manner of speaking also lacked the former awkwardness, and it was much more candid.

Feng Yu Heng just thought that everyone said that embroidery could allow anyone to calm down, and this caused the fourth prince to become completely different.

Thus she also bowed toward him and said: "Your Highness, well met." When the two met once more, they were no longer as courteous and warm in their greetings, calling each other fourth brother and younger sister. Instead, they directly called each other by their titles. It sounded distant, but it was far better than the conspicuously awkward intimacy of before.

After Xuan Tian Yi greeted Feng Yu Heng, he did not continue to pay attention to her. Instead, he leaped off of the imperial carriage and took a few steps toward Xiang Rong, saying very respectfully: "Master, disciple has come to bring you to the banquet."

Xiang Rong frowned while taking a step back. She then said very impolitely: "Who told you to come and pick me up? Quickly go back!"

"What would I go back and do?" Xuan Tian Yi waved his hand, "Father Emperor finally allowed me to come out and participate in this palace banquet. Why would I go back?" While speaking, he took in the clothes that Xiang Rong wore along with the set of pink-jade head ornaments. He nodded with great satisfaction, "That's right, I was saying that these clothes would look good. You're young, so how can you always act so lacking in youthful vigor?"

Originally, Xiang Rong had a good personality and was a bit weak. But after these two years, first, she had her patience worn thin by the changes in her family, and second, ever since she had begun teaching Xuan Tian Yi about embroidery, her temper would go out of control for some reason. It was to the point that whenever they met, it would end in a heated confrontation. This time was the same. Once Xuan Tian Yi's words came out, she immediately fought back: "Who are you saying is lacking in youthful vigor? You're the old one! You're someone that's reaching 30, yet you don't do anything proper. You only spend your days in your palace learning embroidery, what a bright future!"

Xuan Tian Yi moved to cover her mouth, but Xiang Rong avoided this. That person then stomped his foot and said: "Grandaunty! Don't be willing to say just about anything! I did have a bright future, and I did have proper business to handle, but can I do those things now?"

Xiang Rong was startled. Only then did she remember that he was a prince. In the past, he had handled rather important matters, and he had even schemed to obtain the throne. Now that he had finally been taught to be tranquil, if he regained his fighting spirit because of her provocation, that would not be a responsibility that she could bear.

Upon thinking of this, she quickly changed her tune: "You learning embroidery is also quite good. Embroidery can calm a person. Move aside, I will be going to the banquet with second sister."

How could Xuan Tian Yi allow her to get into Feng Yu Heng's carriage, as he quickly spoke up, "Look here, you are my master. This is something that everyone in the capital knows. This time, father Emperor permitted me to leave my palace and enter the imperial palace, which is an extremely great grace. I especially brought an embroidery that I personally worked on, hoping to give thanks to father Emperor. Master, just help me out. With me personally sending you into the palace, word of it will definitely make its way to father Emperor, and father Emperor will definitely be able to see that I have changed and know how to lead a proper life. In the future, he may concern himself with me a little more. Just treat it as helping me out."

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now