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Kicked Out of Home

The person that Fen Dai had seen was none other than her father, Feng Jin Yuan.

At this time, Feng Jin Yuan was wearing clothes that belonged to the retainer of the Lian residence. He was even holding a platter in his hand. There was a hemp cloth on this platter. Slightly bent at the waist, he nodded and saluted everyone that he saw. From any angle, this looked like a proper retainer. However, there was nobody that knew that this was the master of the neighboring Feng residence and the former left prime minister.

Feng Fen Dai felt her vision darken, as she nearly passed out on the spot. Why was Feng Jin Yuan here. When she saw him at first, she was shocked, but after just a bit of thought, how could she not understand the situation? This person's love for Feng Zhao Lian had already reached such a perverted state. The Lian residence was putting on a banquet today and would be receiving many guests. Out of fear that they would not be able to serve all of the guests, they brought in some more servants. How could he pass on this great opportunity to get into the Lian residence. Even if he was a retainer, he would use this chance to take a few more looks at Feng Zhao Lian.

She pointed at Feng Jin Yuan and opened her mouth to begin cursing; however, she saw that Feng Jin Yuan got closer and desperately gave her some looks. He then lowered his voice and said: "If you don't want to lose face, just don't say anything. Quickly go back home. If you cause a stir here, I will have no face, but you won't be any better off!"

Dong Ying heard this and also began to give advice: "That's right. Young miss, if we need to speak, speak after returning to the residence. Now is not the time to talk about this. Let's go back first!"

Fen Dai was pulled out of the Lian residence by Dong Ying. Only when they entered the Feng residence's entrance could she no longer hold back. Letting out a loud scream that frightened the servants in the residence into gathering into a tight clump. Nobody dared to step forward. Even He Zhong was very shocked but did not know what had given the fourth young miss such a huge shock.

Fen Dai unconsciously shouted and screamed, venting for a long time. After that, she informed He Zhong: "Tell the gatekeeper that from this day forward, Feng Jin Yuan will not be permitted to set half a step inside the Feng residence!"

"Huh?" He Zhong was stunned and had to ask: "Fourth Young Miss, are those words serious?"

"Naturally, they're serious!" Fen Dai became furious, "Are you unable to understand what I'm saying? Are you deaf? Go! Close the gates tightly for me. Whoever dares to let Feng Jin Yuan in, I will have them skinned!"

"But he is the master!" He Zhong never thought the fourth young miss would end up at odds with the master once more. This time, she acted so resolutely, not even allowing him into the residence. What was the reason?

Fen Dai was so angry that her soul was about to leave her body. He Zhong's words caused her to feel even more disgusted. She could not help but loudly say: "Master? Does he still know that he's the master? If he knows that he's the master and still knows that he is the father of the Feng family's children, he would not be so shameless as to go to the Lian residence and act as a retainer! Isn't that Miss Lian just a bit pretty? Yet it was able to confuse him so much that he is willing to have no shame? If you don't believe me, you can go next door to take a look. Take a look and see if the one that you are calling master is currently carrying around a platter and wiping down tables. See if he is currying favor with people! I told him to go out and look for work. He found that to be shameful and would rather not be able to earn a single cent for the family then be shouted at and insulted by me. But what about now? For the sake of a woman, he does not even care about shame! Everyone listen up, starting from today, if anyone still acknowledges him, you can scram! Remember this well, it's currently me, Feng Fen Dai, that's paying you. It's not Feng Jin Yuan! What are you still looking at! Close the gate!"

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now