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Deity Comes to the Rescue

The imperial physician’s words caused everyone’s gazes to gather in one place. Feng Yu Heng was the closest and immediately noticed what was wrong. Sure enough, there was something inside the little white tiger’s mouth!

She reached out and held the little white tiger’s lower jaw with one hand. Using the other, she reached into the tiger’s mouth, as the Emperor subconsciously said: “Be careful.”

Feng Yu Heng nodded and muttered to herself: “Xiao Bai, be good. There’s something inside your mouth. Elder sister will help take it out for you. Otherwise, it will feel uncomfortable.” The little tiger was very obedient, keeping its mouth open for fear of hurting Feng Yu Heng. It even did its best to open its mouth wider until Feng Yu Heng pulled out the thing inside. Only then did it try to close its mouth.

There were two things that were retrieved from the tiger’s mouth. One was a piece of cloth, and the other was a chunk of armor. Feng Yu Heng looked at them with her brows furrowed for a long time then turned to order Wang Chuan: “Quickly go and call the imperial guards that were stationed outside our tent.” Wang Chuan complied and quickly left. Feng Yu Heng handed the things in her hands to a palace servant then had that servant bring it over to the Emperor. She then said: “Father Emperor, please look. A-Heng recognizes that cloth. It’s the same as the clothes that the young imperial grandson was wearing. As for the piece of armor, if A-Heng is not mistaken, it should be from the imperial guards.”

The words “from the imperial guards” shocked everyone present once again. The Emperor then looked at the piece of armor and nodded, expressing “That’s right.” He then looked toward Feng Yu Heng and asked her: “You’re suspecting the two imperial guards that were stationed outside of your tent?”

Feng Yu Heng shook her head and said with uncertainty: “A conclusion cannot be formed right now. I had my maidservant go and fetch my medicine kit earlier and did not hear what was said about the guards, but since the little white tiger was able to escape from the tent, they need to be brought over and questioned.”

Just as she was saying these words, Wang Chuan lifted the tent flap from the outside and entered. An imperial guard followed behind her, and the two kneeled in front of the Emperor Wang Chuan then said: “Reporting to Your Majesty, when this servant went to the imperial daughter’s tent, I ran into this soldier. He is one of the ones that was stationed outside the imperial daughter’s tent. A servant has also been sent to call the other one. Thinking about it, word should be coming back very quickly.”

The imperial guard was filled with doubts while looking at the white tiger being held by Feng Yu Heng. Puzzled, he asked: “Imperial daughter, wasn’t this little tiger in the tent? How did it end up being held by you?”

Feng Yu Heng, however, did not reply to this question and asked him: “You were not standing guard in front of the tent. Why did you appear along the way?”

That person quickly replied: “Someone came with a message that said that imperial daughter had some wild game that needed to be moved, and someone from the tent needed to go and help. This subordinate made a total of four trips and moved a large amount of wild game.”

Everyone was puzzled, “Moving wild game? Moving it where?”

He replied: “Speaking about it, it is strange. It was moved from the hunting ground to the cooking area. After two trips, this subordinate could not understand why it had to be someone from the imperial daughter’s tent that went to help, but after some thought, perhaps there was some wild game that imperial daughter had captured, thus I was helping the entire time.”

Just after he finished speaking, Huang Quan also returned. She also kneeled and said: “There is nobody standing guard in front of the imperial daughter’s tent. The other imperial guard has gone missing.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now