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Respected Him as a Father and Took It to Heart

She had respected him as a father and took it to heart.

Feng Yu Heng had never seen Imperial Concubine Yun cry before. In her mind, Imperial Concubine Yun was either laughing and smiling or acting prideful while having an air of indifference. With her two sons, there was no feeling of superiority or inferiority, and it was a very harmonious scene.

But now, she could clearly see a bit of a shine coming from Imperial Concubine Yun’s eyes, as they looked at Yao Xian. But this was just for a moment, as the stubborn Imperial Concubine Yun very quickly retracted her tears and continued to say to Yao Xian: “Because I remember that uncle had said to me right before leaving there is no need to marry someone influential in this life, and there was no need to act dignified, but they must treat me very well and only think of me. Uncle said that our residence was very good, the people were pure, and the people’s thoughts were simple. People living there would be the happiest. You hoped that I would happily live in that residence for my entire life and hoped that I would not be like my mother and be scammed by someone from the outside, but… I really was scammed by someone. Not only was I scammed, but I also left that mountain residence with him. Although there was a plague running rampant at that time, which left us with no other choice, but I only found out that he was the ruler of the country after following him home. He already had wives and children… Everyone said that the wife was first, the concubines were second, the young were third, and the servants were fourth. At that time, I counted on my fingers and found that I was not even fifth. He already had that many children.”

Imperial Concubine Yun’s voice was filled with loneliness and also filled with a taunting tone. Facing Yao Xian, she looked like a child that had done something wrong. She was afraid and filled with grief. Her words only brought about Yao Xian’s sympathy, but there was no resonance. Yao Xian used all of his might to search through the memories belonging to the body’s original owner to find this period of time. Unfortunately, the end result was that he could find a vague memory of living in a mountain residence, but he could not recall much else. The memories belonging to the original owner of Yao Xian’s body were not as clear as Feng Yu Heng’s. After all, the age of the original Yao Xian was already quite high at the time of his passing. In addition to this, when Feng Yu Heng had come to this world, the body was just 12-years old. The memories began from the age of three or four and was not more than 10 years. Those memories would naturally be clearer. The original Yao Xian had treated countless people. The matter with Imperial Concubine Yun had been over 30 years earlier. Not being able to remember it was pretty normal.

Imperial Concubine Yun did not ask whether or not Yao Xian was able to remember her. It seemed that Yao Xian’s reaction did not matter to her too much. She just wanted to pour her heart out and only wanted to say what she wanted to say. By saying the things that she had been keeping bottled up for all of these years, she felt better.

Fortunately, Yao Xian and Feng Yu Heng were both very patient people. Further, they also wanted to hear Imperial Concubine Yun’s story, thus the three sat in the hall of the moon-viewing building and just chatted while drinking tea and eating fruits and pastries. From noon until evening, they chatted until an impression appeared in Yao Xian’s mind once more. She also recalled that the original Yao Xian had saved a pregnant woman deep in the mountains many decades earlier. At that time, he had entered the mountains wanting to find some valuable herbs. After saving that pregnant woman, he went to the mountain village, and the people there were very welcoming. He remained for a few years, and it was during those years that he had researched a number of special herbs.

But in the end, it was still the same. In Yao Xian’s memories, things relating to Imperial Concubine Yun and her mother were very faint. This allowed Yao Xian to know that the original Yao Xian was someone that was rather indifferent toward people. He was entirely dedicated to studying medicine. Saving people was just a simple exercise in using his abilities. It was just part of the job. But in regards to what sort of person he was saving, he did not have much memory. In fact, during those few years, he was distant and did not contact the people of the Yao family. He remained in the mountains on his own, leaving the entire Yao family in the capital. Calculating it, the original owner’s young son still should not have been very grown.

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