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Lu Family’s Two Cards, Both Ruined

The words “died of drowning” caused everyone present to move far away from Lu Yao’s corpse. With them moving away, Lu Ping and Xu shi were finally able to see Lu Yao clearly.

Xu shi furrowed her brow tightly and did not say anything. After a long time, she said to a palace servant at her side: “Would eunuch please go into the hall to call the Yao family’s eldest young master out.”

The servant glanced at Feng Yu Heng. Seeing that she nodded, he complied and left. As for Lu Ping, she stared at Lu Yao’s corpse and froze for a long time. Finally, a couple tears trickled down her face; however, she did not cry loudly and cause a scene. She just said something similar to the palace servants: “Would eunuch go into the hall and call out the left prime minister, Lord Lu.”

Another eunuch glanced at Feng Yu Heng. Seeing that Feng Yu Heng nodded, he quickly headed toward the hall.

It was a perfectly good Mid-Autumn Festival, and nobody thought that this sort of thing would happen. Feng Yu Heng asked Xu shi’s maidservant: “Where did you go when the madam and young madam fell in?”

The maidservant dropped to her knees while trembling in fear and said: “Young Madam said that the side of the lotus pond would be windy and cold, thus she had this servant return to the hall to fetch a cloak that madam had left behind. This servant went to retrieve it, and upon returning…”

Feng Yu Heng waved her hand and did not continue asking. She just heavily walked over to Xu shi’s side and squatted down, asking in concern: “Eldest aunty, do you have anything wrong with your body?”

Xu shi sighed and shook her head. She then coughed a few times before saying: “I choked on some water, which isn’t serious.” After speaking, she took a look in Lu Yao’s direction then quietly asked Feng Yu Heng: “Is there really no saving her?”

Feng Yu Heng nodded: “No hope, there’s been no hope for a long time.”

Xu shi did not say much else. In regards to Lu Yao, she did not have a single shred of feelings for her. Although the members of the Yao family were very kindhearted, they were not people that could be bullied easily. Xu shi was very clear that her falling into the water today was not an accident. She had been forcefully dragged down by Lu Yao. As for why Lu Yao would drag her into the water, this was something that she could not understand.

There were no major problems with Xu shi, and Lu Ping did not choke on the water, but the wound on her face was very hideous. The imperial physicians gave her the pain killer and anti-inflammatory medicine, but the blood would not stop flowing. Lu Ping’s face was covered in blood, and it seemed like the wound was getting deeper and longers. The imperial physicians were a bit frightened. Finally, they summoned the courage to disturb Feng Yu Heng, saying: “Imperial Daughter, the wound on this miss’ face is a bit troublesome. I hope that Imperial Daughter can help take a look.”

Feng Yu Heng frowned. While turning around, she said to the imperial physician: “This miss is the eldest young miss of the left prime minister’s manor. She is the sister of the drowned Young Madam Yao.” After she finished speaking, she took a careful look at Lu Ping’s wound. As she looked, her brow furrowed once more.

Lu Ping, however, consoled her at this time: “It’s fine. Let the scar grow a little bigger. That would be better.”

Feng Yu Heng did not listen to her and reached forward to press the wound. Lu Ping was shaken by the pain but heard Feng Yu Heng say: “The poison bug is still in the wound. How could it be like this? Do the bugs not let go after biting the person?” Even if she was a modern doctor, the longer she spent in this ancient era, the more she came to understand that there were many things that modern medicine could not explain. For example, the poisons produced by the people of the ancient era and the venomous bugs raised by the people of the South. Even if she was given time, she could heal the person with modern medicine, but the person’s life would often be lost during the delay. She asked Lu Ping: “You know the origin of this poisonous bug, don’t you?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now