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The Yao Family’s Attitude

The one that had called her young miss was definitely someone from the Yao family. Feng Yu Heng’s group left the restaurant, and Xuan Tian Ming had wanted to accompany her over to the Yao manor; however, she refused and said: “This sort of trivial family matter can be handled by myself alone. You don’t need to join in.”

Xuan Tian Ming nodded, “If you say it like that, it really does seem like the case. Forget it, Seventh Brother and I will send Xiang Rong back.” Looking back, Xiang Rong was being supported by Xuan Tian Hua. She had drank herself into a daze, and all kinds of nonsense was coming out of her mouth. From time to time, she would call for His Highness the Seventh Prince or shout at Xuan Tian Yi for being a scoundrel. It was truly something that was hard to look at.

Feng Yu Heng waved her hand, “Quickly, you must not allow anything to happen to Xiang Rong.”

The group went their separate ways from the restaurant. Feng Yu Heng sat in the carriage that the servant from the Yao family had come in and began to rush back.

At this time in front of the Yao manor, Left Prime Minister Lu Song had personally visited with all of his servants carrying a very good casket. He was currently speaking with the Yao family’s eldest son, Yao Jing Jun. He heard Lu Song say: “My young daughter died a tragic death and heard that the Yao family placed the mourning hall in a side hall, but a casket still has not been brought in. This prime minister does not know why the Yao family has done this, but as the father of Yao’er, there are always some things that I ought to do for her. This padauk casket will be considered something that our Lu family gave the Yao family!”

His words were polite, but who could miss that there was a hidden meaning to his words! This was clearly saying that the Yao family was treating Lu Yao unfairly. It was also saying that the Yao family could not even afford a casket and needed the Lu family to provide one.

But Yao Jing Jun ignored it completely. He just told Lu Song with great attention to detail: “It was set up in the side hall because the cause of Lu Yao’s death is still being investigated by the government. Consideration needs to be given to how this incident came to be. Once the government office has finished investigating and said that Lu Yao was innocent, the Yao family will naturally bring the mourning hall to the main hall. Also, as for the casket, we have made preparations. It’s currently being prepared, but they have not moved as quickly as Lord Lu.” While he spoke, he raised his hand and informed a servant: “Bring the casket that Lord Lu brought to the mourning hall.” He then cupped his hands toward Prime Minister Lu: “We’ve made Prime Minister Lu to spend money. A padauk casket, the Yao family only had a casket made out of normal materials. It truly is not as wealthy as the Lu family. But our Yao family has been in Huang Zhou for many years and cannot compare to the Lu family, which has spent many years in the capital, accumulating all kinds of wealth.”

Lu Song was left with his face alternating between red and white. He simply flicked his wide sleeve and angrily said: “This prime minister will not speak with you. Go, call your father, Yao Xian, out here!”

Yao Jing Jun was puzzled, “Based on the generation, Prime Minister Lu and this lowly one are relatives by marriage, and we are of the same generation. Father is a person of the older generation. For the funeral of a member of the younger generation, why should father be called? His health is not very good and has already gone to sleep.”

“Gone to sleep?” Lu Song became furious, “With such a big thing happening in the family, he is actually able to sleep?”

Yao Jing Jun’s expression also sank, coldly saying: “Prime Minister Lu, although I do not have a rank, it does not mean that I will feel afraid or intimidated. My Yao family has always done things the right way. Today, the Lu family’s daughter died. Why can my Yao family not sleep? If you have something to discuss, I am standing here before you. But what is the matter that requires father? Could it be that the mourning hall for your Lu family’s daughter needs to be watched by the older generation?”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now