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Probing Each Other

The people were none other than the Cheng shi sisters that had married into the Feng family with Feng Jin Yuan, Cheng Jun Man and Cheng Jun Mei.

Speaking of them, Feng Yu Heng had not seen them in a long time. She had just heard the people from the Feng family say that the Cheng shi sisters had entered the palace urgently, thus they did not ask for a reason. In the end, the Cheng sisters had married into the family for the sake of diluting Kang Yi’s power. As for what other mission they received from the Empress, only those two knew. Now that Feng Jin Yuan had fallen, and the Feng family was in its current situation, the two sisters not wanting to remain was also understandable. It was just that they still held the title. In the end, they would still need to provide the Feng family with an explanation.

She arrived before the two, and the two sisters naturally faced her directly. The two sisters had heard about Feng Yu Heng severing ties with the Yao and Feng families. Although they questioned it, since Feng Yu Heng wanted the people to believe it, they could not call it into question. But they still needed to speak with Feng Yu Heng, thus Cheng Jun Man thought quickly and looked around at the gazes that were faintly looking in their direction. With a natural and poised demeanor, she said to Feng Yu Heng: “Imperial Daughter, greetings.”

Feng Yu Heng smiled and said, “There’s no need to be polite. Since you are Her Highness the Empress’ niece, there is no need to be so courteous.”

Cheng Jun Man then said: “We should have gone to see Imperial Daughter, but Imperial Daughter also knows that us sisters entered the palace using the excuse of needing to take care of the Empress. It has already been some time since we’ve gone back to the Feng residence. At the time that Imperial Daughter just returned to the capital, we wanted to meet with you, but we were too ashamed. We feared that Imperial Daughter would ask about this matter or would rush us to go back.”

Feng Yu Heng heard this and knew that the Cheng shi sisters really were smart. No matter what happened, they worked along with her intentions and actions, giving everyone a reason for them to get close. What followed would then be easier to say. She smiled and said: “I never thought of hurrying you to go back. You also know my situation with the Feng family, especially with that Feng Jin Yuan. He is unable to be a proper father, thus I had no reason to be a good daughter. Whether or not you two went back, I could do nothing about. I was even thinking that it would be fine if you two didn’t go back. Based on the Feng family’s current situation, you two would be lowering your statuses and voluntarily suffering hardship. Having the title of Feng Jin Yuan’s wife is not worth much. You can ask Her Highness the Empress to cancel this marriage. In the future, you can still find yourselves a good future.”

Cheng Jun Man heard this and knew that her actions had been to Feng Yu Heng’s intentions, thus she happily stepped forward to hold her hand and warmly said: “Imperial Daughter being able to think like this, my sister and I can be at ease. Speaking truthfully, when we heard that Imperial Daughter and the Feng family completely severed ties, we let out a sigh of relief. Cutting off ties is good. Not wanting that sort of family is fine. In the future, it will be easier for us to speak too.” While she spoke, she pulled Feng Yu Heng to a place where there were fewer people, acting as if to chat. To the others, this was quite natural, as both sides had expressed their attitudes toward the Feng family, which could be considered as being on the same page. When they finally stopped, Cheng Jun Man still had a warm smile on her face, but she lowered her voice to quietly say: “Imperial Daughter really doesn’t blame us, right? Or does Imperial Daughter still have some plans for the Feng residence? We just wish to ask you, if you have any plans, with aunty’s illness being treated, my younger sister and I can go back. Either way, it’s just a decision. We ask Imperial Daughter to let us know.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now