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Being Abandoned by All

The princess of Gu Shu's words had offended everyone present. Aside from the few officials from the South that were more intimate with Gu Shu, the others cast unhappy glances toward her. Even the Empress furrowed her brow.

Xuan Tian Ge snorted coldly and said: "A lowly princess of a vassal country, and not even the princess of the first wife, dares to overtly run over to Da Shun to provoke us? Hmph! You really don't know the gravity of the situation!"

The princess of Gu Shu looked in Xuan Tian Ge's direction and spoke completely without a care. She just continued to hold the glazed bottle, but she looked at Xuan Tian Ge with disdain: "How can this be called provocation? Gu Shu is Da Shun's vassal country. Since we produced this sort of treasure, it's natural that we would need to bring it for the Emperor of Da Shun to see." After saying this, she bowed to the Emperor, "Your Majesty, please excuse me. Because this perfume was just produced, there only exists this one bottle. That is why this bottle must be brought back for the craftsmen to continue production."

What she had said was logical and measured. The people of Da Shun could no longer say anything. Although what she had said earlier was very unflattering, now that she was speaking to the Emperor, they could not chime in. They would need to see what the Emperor said.

But after waiting a long time, they saw that the Emperor did not react much. After waiting a little while longer, they saw the Emperor sniff the air a couple times then ponder a while then sniff...

The officials were a little tangled. Could it be that the Emperor had become addicted to this thousand-fragrance perfume? This was not a good thing. Even if the thousand-fragrance perfume was good, she had very clearly said that it was just brought for Da Shun to take a look at. It was not being given to Da Shun. Even if the Emperor liked it, it would not be good to openly steal it?

The seventh princess of Gu Shu also noticed the Emperor's actions, and she could not help but smile. Looking at the glazed bottle in her hand, she very seriously said: "Da Shun's territory is large and abundant, but there is not much in the way of wondrous things, especially the creation of perfumes. It's actually stuck in the era of using incense. It must be known that our Gu Shu stopped using incense for such things over 200 years ago." She covered her mouth and giggled, saying: "It's truly fallen too far behind."

These words caused everyone's faces and ears to turn red, yet there was nothing that they could do to shut her up. This was because everything that she had said was true. Da Shun was indeed very lacking in this respect.

At this time, the ninth prince, Xuan Tian Ming, suddenly spoke up from inside the group of princes: "It's just a special skill. My Da Shun is large and has many things to handle. How could it have the spare time to research such useless things. Also, if Da Shun knew how to do everything, what would we keep vassal countries like yours for? If you like researching these things, just research them to your heart's content. Either way, you don't have anything else to do. Just take care of your small country and pass your days. Once you've finished researching it, it will be sent to our Da Shun eventually. We just need to wait for it. Da Shun's energy is used to provide stability to the country. While you're researching the unique perfume and thousand-fragrance perfume, we were researching steel. Princess of Gu Shu, if you don't understand, just go back and ask your leader of Gu Shu. Is perfume important or is Da Shun's steel more practical."

Although the seventh princess was a girl, she was a member of Gu Shu's imperial family. She naturally understood what the new steel meant. The arrogance brought about by the bottle of thousand-fragrance perfume had finally been suppressed.

Da Shun's officials nodded and looked at the ninth prince with emotion. Everyone was thinking: No wonder the Emperor favors this son! Look at how he speaks. With just a few words, he defeated that princess. The other people are still just sitting there getting angry. It really is the case that without some comparison things would remain unknown. Upon running into this situation, we have come to realize the situation!

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