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Xiang Rong’s Banquet

Yao shi’s change had been noticed by Princess Wen Xuan for a long time. In the beginning, it was not as though she had not tried to advise her, but the more she did, she found more and more that Yao shi had no intention of returning to the past. The thought of “that daughter is not my former daughter” had already grown roots in her mind. There was nobody that could change her mind.

In the past, she thought that it was a disturbed and stubborn thought brought about by the spirit-altering drug, but she actually felt that these were Yao shi’s original thoughts. It was just that she never had the courage to voice it in the past. Later on, before the spirit-altering drug could be dispelled, she exploded. Perhaps Yao shi felt happier from having been able to vent this issue, thus she refused to wake up after the spirit-altering drug’s effects had worn off.

For Princess Wen Xuan, she did not truly want to see Yao shi. She was avoiding her. If she did not, based on their friendship, even if Yao shi lived in this courtyard that was further away, she would still go and visit more frequently. Now, however, she stayed a respectful distance away from her. Unfortunately, she still could not hide in time. When Yao shi came to visit, she asked for an invitation to the palace’s banquet for the Mid-Autumn Festival. She said that it would be for her daughter, and she immediately recalled the girl that apparently looked exactly like Feng Yu Heng.

The maidservant consoled her: “Princess, don’t keep worrying yourself over someone else’s family. If palace princess finds out that you were worrying about someone else, she will be unhappy.”

Princess Wen Xuan let out a sigh and nodded. She then stopped thinking about Yao shi.

After Feng Fen Dai used the seventh prince as an excuse to get to know Feng Zhao Lian, Feng Zhao Lian really did visit the Feng residence every day. He would drink tea and eat pastries with Fen Dai. At the same time, they would talk about the seventh prince’s many deeds. Unfortunately, Fen Dai knew very little in regards to the seventh prince. In the past, she could borrow Xiang Rong to say a bit, but Xiang Rong and Xuan Tian Hua had only interacted a few times. After talking about that for a few days, what more could be said? Gradually, that topic cooled, and it became Fen Dai depicting how refined and elegant the seventh prince was.

Feng Zhao Lian listened on the surface, but he was laughing internally. He just thought that this Feng family’s young miss wanted to do something like invent stories but did not properly do her homework. Her speaking ability was far worse than her second sister’s! But he did not know precisely why she had tried to lead him into the Feng residence? It should not truly be to suppress Feng Xiang Rong, right? Feng Zhao Lian thought about it. It should not be such an idiotic reason. He would continue to observe.

But upon thinking of Feng Xiang Rong, it was not that he had never seen her before. When Feng Yu Heng had just returned, they had eaten a meal together. But at that time, he had not yet met the seventh prince. He knew even less about the matter between Feng Xiang Rong and the seventh prince. That was why did not even bother to look at her properly during the meal. Thinking about it now, he could not even clearly remember what Xiang Rong looked like.

“Sister Fen Dai, could you bring me to see the residence’s third young miss?” Feng Zhao Lian brought up this request, “I heard you talk about her over the past few days, and I have truly become quite curious.”

Fen Dai nodded, “Of course.” She then asked Dong Ying: “Is third young miss in the residence today?”

Dong Ying immediately replied: “She is! This servant heard the third young miss’ maidservants speaking about preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival’s banquet this morning. Third young miss will not be going out starting today.”

Divine Doctor: Daughter of the First Wife (Yang Shi Liu) 601Where stories live. Discover now