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Who Dares to Bully This Prince’s Wife?

Xuan Tian Ming had returned!

After Imperial Concubine Yun tried to chase her away with a secretive look on her face, Feng Yu Heng was finally able to realize that Imperial Concubine Yun was giving her a message that was very joyous. For someone like Imperial Concubine Yun, the only thing that could make her rejoice like this would be the return of her son from the South!

Feng Yu Heng happily walked out of the bedchamber and brought Wang Chuan to Winter Moon Palace’s front yard. Although she was anxious to meet with Xuan Tian Ming, there were some things that she was worried about and needed to provide some advice. Thus she called Su Yu, the head palace maid that was escorting her, and said to her: “Arrange for some more people to stay around the outside of Winter Moon Palace. Keep an eye out and keep watch over a larger distance. They need to keep an eye out on everything within 50 paces.”

Su Yu was startled and did not understand what Feng Yu Heng intended with these arrangements, but she also knew that she would not say something like this at random, thus she quickly asked: “Did Princess notice something outside the palace? Was there someone suspicious?”

Feng Yu Heng though for a bit but did not reply directly. Instead, she said: “It would be best to send some hidden guards into Jing Si Palace to take a look. I recall that during the Winter Hunt, Imperial Concubine Li was demoted to noble lady, and she has been locked inside Jing Si Palace. She is residing in a side hall. Send some people over there to keep an eye out.

Su Yu was puzzled, “This servant also heard about it, but His Majesty gave the order to not allow her half a step outside of Jing Si Palace?”

This was what Feng Yu Heng was truly worried about. Since the Emperor had handed down an imperial decree, it would be impossible that there would be no guards outside of Jing Si Palace, but Noble Lady Li was still able to get out of the palace. This left her with no choice but to feel worried. Not to mention what exactly she was doing standing outside of Winter Moon Palace, but just her being able to escape from a place that was heavily guarded was worthy of being investigated.

“Either way, send some people to keep an eye on her. She is still able to get out of Jing Si Palace. I have seen it. Right before I entered, she was standing alone on the small path that leads to Winter Moon Palace. I don’t know what she did, but I have already examined the outside, and there were no strange items. Thinking about it, she did not have much of a chance to take action. Just keep an eye out.”

Su Yu also realized the severity of the situation, thus she solemnly nodded and thanked Feng Yu Heng. Only then did she escort her out of the palace. Feng Yu Heng left the imperial palace and directly entered her imperial carriage. Before she could give an order, Ban Zou, who was dressed as the driver, lifted the curtain with a criminal smile and said to her: “Let’s go out of the city, is that alright?”

Feng Yu Heng asked: “Has His Highness the ninth prince returned?”

Ban Zou nodded, “If you rush toward the city’s southern gate, you should be able to arrive just in time for His Highness entering the city.”

“Then what are you waiting for? Quickly, let’s go to the southern gate!” Following Ban Zou’s order, the carriage quickly began to move. It was early in the evening, and the sky was already dark. There were not many people out on the streets during Winter, and there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. The air was very fresh. Feng Yu Heng began to complain about Xuan Tian Ming, “He didn’t even say anything before coming back.”

Wang Chuan laughed at her while also consoling her: “Perhaps His Highness wanted to give Young Miss a pleasant surprise.”

“Hmph!” Feng Yu Heng pouted, “Then this imperial daughter might as well forgive him.” While saying this, the corners of her lips began to curl up without her noticing. This smile could not be held back no matter what.

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