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Xiao Bai's Abnormality

Feng Yu Heng respectfully and sincerely admitted her mistake and asked for punishment. Everyone was stunned, as this was the first time in their memory that Imperial Daughter Ji An had been so meek in lowering her head and admitting her mistake, yet it was for the sake of a tiger.

The Emperor frowned and looked at her. Without telling her to rise, he just asked: "Why would you bring a tiger here?"

Feng Yu Heng replied: "Replying to Father Emperor, the little tiger was being raised as a pet in the imperial daughter's manor. After being raised for a few months, it did not grow and continued to be like a cat. It usually only drinks milk, and even its teeth are still baby teeth. A-Heng felt that it was cute and has trouble putting it down when hugging it. Second, it did not have any violent tendencies, as it had a calm demeanor, thus it was brought along to play with."

Once these words came out, the Emperor did not have much of a reaction, but Feng Fen Dai's mouth was unable to hold back. With a yelp, she began shouting: "What did you say? He was already bitten to such a degree, yet you still say that it has no violent tendencies? You still call that a calm demeanor? Feng Yu Heng, in your eyes, what would be considered violent?"

Feng Yu Heng tightly furrowed her brow, and even the princes felt that Fen Dai was being too noisy, yet what she had said was the truth. The little white tiger had already hurt someone, yet Feng Yu Heng used these words at this sort of time, which was a little improper.

The second prince, Xuan Tian Ling, was the one in the most awkward spot. The one injured was his son, and his relationship with the imperial daughter's manor was usually quite good. At a time like this, he really felt awkward.

As for the Emperor, he momentarily did not express his position. He just sat there while pondering. Nobody could tell what he was thinking. Only after quite a long period of time had passed did he say: "What happened in the forest? Who was there when Fei Yu was injured?"

The fifth prince stood at Fen Dai's side and spoke at this time: "Father Emperor, the situation was like this. Young Miss Feng wanted to learn to ride a horse, and son brought her to the hunting ground to try and teach her how to ride a horse. Who knew that before long, a shrill scream came from the forest. Son could tell that it was Fei Yu's voice and hastily brought Young Miss Feng over toward the sound. Upon arriving, we found that it was Fei Yu being bitten by the little tiger. As for the eldest prince, who was at his side, he was desperately trying to save him; however, there was nothing that he could do to get the tiger to let go. At that time, son was still a bit far away, thus son pulled out the bow that I was carrying and injured the tiger, allowing nephew to be saved."

The Emperor frowned from hearing this and glared at the eldest prince, Xuan Tian Qi, angrily saying: "Eldest one, you really are rash! How dangerous is the hunting ground. Fei Yu is a young child. What are you bringing him there for?"

The eldest prince quickly kneeled and admitted his mistake: "It was all son's mistake. Son just liked nephew and wanted to play with him properly. These past two years, Fei Yu has entered the academy, and we uncles very rarely see him. Finally coming back to the hunting ground, son thought that with the hunt already concluded, the beasts would have already been rounded up, and a net would have been raised to surround the area, so nothing would happen. With this in mind, I thought to bring Fei Yu to the forest to look around and maybe hunt some rabbits to let him play around." After speaking, he looked at the second prince, Xuan Tian Ling, and sincerely said: "Second brother, it was all eldest brother's rashness that caused this. Today's matter was eldest brother's fault."

"Eldest brother!" Xuan Tian Ling and Feng Yu Heng spoke up at the same time. The two then looked at each other, as Feng Yu Heng said: "I was the one raising the tiger. If we are speaking about responsibility for this matter, there should be some that falls to me, but now is not the time to be talking about this. Instead, it should be to investigate the matter."

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