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The Murderer

The opposition was closing their net, and she was the fish. It was just that this net was just one of their countless small nets. The opposition should not be so foolish as to believe that this one small matter would get her to stumble. And of course, she would not believe that the opposition would fully hope that this palace banquet would completely suppress her.

Feng Yu Heng rubbed her nose. Since coming to Da Shun, her feeling of existence was growing stronger and stronger! She looked toward the eighth prince and saw that he was looking in her direction with a faint smile on his face. She, however, suddenly put on a bright smile that caused the eighth prince to be stunned for a moment. He thoroughly could not understand why this girl would suddenly smile like this. Should she not be worried?

“A-Heng.” Xuan Tian Ge tugged her sleeve and quietly said: “Why do I feel that this matter will inevitably be tied to you? The grand scholar’s daughter had been arguing with you earlier. Could it be that someone…”

Just as her words reached this point, someone suddenly said: “Isn’t this the Li family’s young miss that had argued with Imperial Daughter Ji An in Fei Cui Hall?” These words had brought up the matter from Fei Cui Hall, and it also reminded everyone that the deceased had argued with Feng Yu Heng. Also, it was not a common dispute. It was to the point that even the grand scholar was chased out. It’s very clear that he would lose his position after the new year.

The people could not help but turn their attention toward Feng Yu Heng, and a group of them were puzzled and contemplative. It was clear that they had begun placing the responsibility of Li Ying’s death on Feng Yu Heng.

Xuan Tian Ge frowned and unhappily said: “What are you all looking at? So what if there had been a conflict? Normally, the young misses from your families get in quite a few conflicts with other young misses. What is it, could it be that every time a young miss meets an unfortunate end from illness, all of the times that she had been in conflict would need to be brought up? If you have this time, it would be better to look for Lord Li and ask him why he did not quickly leave the palace after being chased out of Fei Cui Hall.”

The people had no way of arguing against what Xuan Tian Ge had said. Thinking about it carefully, this was also true. Even if the dignified Imperial Daughter Ji An was unhappy with Li Ying, it would not be to the point of taking action inside the palace. It was even less to the point of committing murder. If an imperial daughter wanted to deal with someone, it was all too easy. Thus some people nodded and felt that this was unrelated to Feng Yu Heng, and they no longer worried about it.

But if things were handled so easily, there would be no purpose to the death of the two people. The ninth prince’s people naturally would not suspect Feng Yu Heng, and the people that were neutral were also able to think things through clearly; however, there were also some people that insisted on opposing her. Even when they had no reason on their side, they would need to chime in. Moreover, the corpses were placed before them. How could they possibly pass up this situation. Thus someone loudly said: “The death of these two young misses is quite strange. To say that the Ma family’s young miss died as a result of Lord Ma’s influence is reasonable. After all, the number of people offended by the Board of Punishments is quite high. But Lord Li is just a grand scholar. He did not have much of a chance to offend anyone? Why would the Li family’s young miss be laying here as a corpse?”

Another person followed up and said: “I just saw Imperial Daughter Ji An leave the theatre, and I heard a servant say that she seemed to have come toward the lake. Imperial daughter, was this the case?”

Once this was said, the imperial physicians that had been participating in the banquet also gave their verdict: “Reporting to Your Majesty, the death occurred within one hour ago.”

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