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Replace Feng Yu Heng?

Lu Yan’s words were quite vague, and Fu Ya could not figure out what exactly she meant, thus she could only introduce herself: “I am maidservant of Lady Yao. My name is Fu Ya. Young Miss, you should have mistaken my identity.”

Lu Yan immediately understood. It turned out she really did make a mistake, but she could not stop herself from sighing: “You really are too similar. You and Imperial Daughter Ji An really do resemble each other too closely. It’s no wonder her own mother would make a mistake, but…” Lu Yan thought quickly, as all kinds of vile thoughts appeared. When she spoke up once more, she had a bit of a grief-filled look for Fu Ya: “Even Lady Yao says that you are her own daughter, so has Miss never thought of yourself as Lady Yao’s daughter?”

Fu Ya frowned, “How could that be possible? I have my own parents. Although they are no longer alive, I can ensure that I am not Lady Yao’s daughter. I am not Imperial Daughter Ji An.”

“Hah, why are you so frank?” Lu Yan grabbed Fu Ya’s hand without any unfamiliarity, “If Lady Yao says yes, that’s who you are. Then what of Imperial Daughter Ji An? If Lady Yao says she is not, then she is not. Is there anyone who knows her own daughter better than the mother? Miss! What’s impressive about you is your face. Why do you not know to value it and use it?”

Fu Ya was startled and subconsciously reached up to feel her own face. Lu Yan saw that she did not have too much of a reaction and could not help but say: “Think a bit about what Imperial Daughter Ji An has. Now, think about what you have? You being able to come into the palace today, it’s probably because Lady Yao agreed, right? That’s why you need to think about what else Lady Yao can give you. If you truly want to be Lady Yao’s daughter, your karmic reward will truly be too much.”

Lu Yan spoke up to this point, and a wicked smile appeared on her face. Fu Ya, however, was frozen in place. Lu Yan’s words repeatedly echoed inside her mind, and they repeatedly assaulted her senses. It was not as though she had never thought the same thing before. When Yao shi had first said that she was her daughter, she had felt flustered and uncertain for an instant. She had once thought that if she was Yao shi’s daughter, would all of Feng Yu Heng’s things become her things?

But Fu Ya was not a fool. She knew that was impossible. In that instant, she cut off that thought that she should not have. But cutting off that thought was pointless. She spent every day accompanying Yao shi, and the closer Yao shi became to her, the times that they were intimate would create a misconception. It caused her to no longer know who she was.

Gradually, Fu Ya realized that she was no longer quite as resolute, “Replace Feng Yu Heng?” Although it could not be considered that, the deaths of her parents replayed in her mind once more. The cause and effect were replayed over and over. In the end, she came up with a new definition of Feng Yu Heng: Enemy!

She was no longer a benefactor as her mother had said. Instead, she was an enemy.

Indeed, without Feng Yu Heng acting as her substitute, and without Feng Yu Heng entering that magic troupe, her family would not have met with this ending. Everything was caused by Feng Yu Heng. She would have to get it all back from Feng Yu Heng. How should she get revenge for this enmity? Perhaps what that miss just now had said was right. She was Yao shi’s daughter. Only by becoming Yao shi’s daughter could she obtain a higher position, obtain support and could begin to plot her revenge.

A twisted confidence suddenly appeared in Fu Ya’s mind…

When Feng Yu Heng returned to Heavenly Hall, the sound of music continued to fill the air. Seeing that she had changed her clothes before returning, the people that saw her could not help but look a bit surprised. But there were also people that did not mind too much. After all, Feng Yu Heng often went to the palace. Imperial Concubine Yun also lived in the palace. Keeping a few sets of clothes in the palace was not strange.

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