Chapter 1: Heroes of the Apocalypse

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"Alchemic energy is divided into four basic attributes: fire, water, earth and air. Each of these can further be sub divided into-" The teacher stopped, after noticing a boy sleeping at the back of her classroom.

Out of irritation, smoke appeared on her hand and quickly meandered it's way towards him. Some of the students held back their laughter to avoid waking him up.

However, a boy who resembled him, simply ignored the commotion. He continued focusing on his books, whilst ignoring his brother's actions. As the smoke drew nearer, the class grew quieter.

"What a waste of sperm." He mumbled softly, accidentally breaking his own pen in the process. The ink quickly evaporated before it could leave a stain.

The smoke soon reached the sleeping boy, where it forced it's way into his nostrils. Like a rabbit, the child jumped off his desk and fell onto the floor. Before he could get up, the desk along with his stationary landed on top of him.

"That hurt." He complained, rubbing his head in the process.

Everyone in class immediately laughed at him, even those who were annoyed at first joined in.

"What a loser!"

"What do you expect from an abnormal?" Some students spoke.

From next door, a young girl could hear all the commotion. Out of embarrassment, she gently banged her forehead on her desk. "Not again."

"Cody this is not a hotel for you to sleep in. If it wasn't for your uncle; I would have kicked you out of my class a long time ago." The teacher stated before she resumed the lesson. "You are just like your moron of a mother."

Upon hearing that Cody placed his stuff properly, while the other students watched on. As he was about to finish, most of them directed their attention towards the teacher.

"Is it sad that the alchemic type you have does belong to anyone else?" A girl sitting next to Cody asked. "I'd be sad because attributes determine your place in society. This means that you are at the bottom of the barrel."

"Quiet back there! Cody stop disturbing her." The teacher shouted, causing the other students to laugh.

"Just be glad that you sat next to me and that your uncle is at the top." She added, before writing on her book.

Just before he could shed a tear, Cody smacked his cheeks simultaneously. Let's get to work. This is no time for moping.

The school bell rang and an army of fourteen year olds was seen rushing out of the building. Just as Cody was packing, two boys approached his desk.

"Hey guys want to borrow my notes?" Cody asked. He took the book out of his bag handed it to them. "The teacher was fast as usual."

"Why would we borrow notes from someone who barely passed the written exam." The boy with glasses questioned.

"Besides your hand writing is bad. I get headaches from looking at it." The taller boy with orange hair added.

"If that's not the case then I'm leaving." Just as Cody passed between the two, the boy with orange hair put his left foot in front of him causing Cody to fall.

"Where do you think you are going? Our friends haven't arrived yet."

"Kenya is right show us some respect. You may be a Dlamini, but you possess the attribute of an abnormal. This makes you scum." The boy with glasses stated.

The two dragged Cody and placed him on his chair. "Guys let me go."

"Oh what?"

"Or you'll deal with me." A person interrupted. She was proudly smiling with her finger pointed at them.

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