Chapter 1

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(Emily pov)

Cameron dropped me off at school and I walked to my locker with my head down not looking at anyone. I unlocked my locker for it to be closed right after.

"Hey Bitch." Nash said

All of a sudden there was a pain in my stomach knocking the wind out of me. Nash punched me. I grabbed my stomach in pain. Nash just laughed. He called me a bitch before walking away.

I held back the tears and grabbed my books from my locker. I started to walk to my first period when I was tripped. It was Ryan. Everyone around us was laughing.

"Watch where your going. Fat ass bitch."

I stood up and grabbed my things. I walked back to my locker and put my things away. I walked out the building. Tears were in my eyes. I put my headphones in my ears and started to blast Amnesia by 5sos. I had no clue where I was going. I was just walking.

I ended up at the beach. I sat down in the hot sand and looked out at the ocean.

Cam knew nothing about this. If he did he would flip. Our parents haven't been around a lot lately. They've been traveling around the world with each other working, leaving me and Cam behind. Cameron could get very protective of me.

After a while of sitting around I brushed the sand off me and walked back home. I unlocked the front door and Cam was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, what are you doing home?" He asked

"I can ask you the same question."

"I don't have any classes today. Back to you."

"I'm not feeling good." I said and walked up the stairs putting my things down in the room and walking back downstairs.

"You felt fine less than an hour ago." He said and I looked at the time. I've only been gone for 45 minutes.

"I don't feel like going to school today." I said and jumped on the couch.

We watched TV in silence for a few when Cam broke the silence.

"So..." Cam said trailing off.

"What?" I asked

"You know how I started vine and I gotten pretty famous?" He asked and I nodded my head. "I'm going on tour with a group of other famous viners. I was wondering if you wanted to come along with me?"

Oh my god that would be amazing. Touring around American with Cameron. I can get away from all these problems.

"That would be amazing." I said with excitement. "Who's in it?" I asked

"Um... A lot of people actually. People like Matthew Espinosa, Carter Reynolds, Jacob Whitesides, Taylor Caniff, Aaron Carpenter, Mahogany Lox, Jack Johnson, Jack Gilinsky, Hayes Grier, Nash Grier, and Shawn Mendes. I think you already know Nash and the Jacks."

When I heard Nash and Jack's name I froze. How can I spend weeks with them at a time. I would see Jack Johnson around school all the time. He seems chill, he's really popular at school.

"Oh okay." I said bluntly. Now I don't know if I want to go anymore.

But how am I going to tell Cam?

I've seen Shawn's vine videos before. He's an amazing singer and he's really cute.

Really really really cute.

"When do we leave?" I asked

"Um...Two days." He says

"TWO DAYS? I need to pack!" I say and run up the stairs.

I hear Cam laughing at me and I roll my eyes. I go into my room and pull out my pink and black zebra print suitcases.

How long were we going to be gone?

Where are we going?

"CAM!" I called walking to the top of the stairs.

"WHAT!" He yelled walking to the bottom of the stairs with a bag of chips in his hands.

"How long are we going to be gone? And what should I pack?" I ask

"We'll be gone for like a month and pack clothes dumb ass." He said the last part sarcastically

I rolled my eyes and walked back into my room.

I pack both suitcases with clothes. I packed sweatshirts, shirts, crop tops, shorts, jeans, cardigans, shoes, my bathing suits and sweatpants. I was going to pack my computer, makeup and some other stuff later.

After hours of packing I decided to just watch some TV. I eventually fell asleep thinking about how my life will change without Ryan, Ava and Kayla. I still have to deal with Jack and Nash but they cant really touch me since I'm going to be with Cam.

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