Chapter 35

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"Em get up we have an event." Shawn whispered and I slowly opened my eyes. "Morning sleeping beauty."

"Morning. What time is it?" I asked looking over at Taylor who was doing random handstands in the middle of the room.

"1:00." Taylor yelled while falling on the ground

"How long have you been up?" I asked Shawn who still had his arms wrapped around me.

"11:30 ish."

"So you just watched me sleep." I said and he nodded. "Well that's not creepy at all." I mumbled under my breath.

I climbed out of bed and walked over to my suitcase. I picked out dark washed skinny jeans and a black muscle tee with the phases of the moon.

I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower.

Apparently the event started at 2:30 and we had to be there at 2:00 for sound check. What is up with the guys waking me up and hour before we have to leave.

I got out the shower and dried my hair. I left it in its natural waves and started on my makeup. I put on my clothes and wore my all black vans.

While we were walking to the venue I jumped onto Cam's back. He stopped walking. He looked up at me and sent me a glare. I smiled back at him and he rolled his eyes.

He continued walking and we eventually arrived at the venue.

"Can you get off of me now?" Cameron asked sarcastically

"Nah, I kinda like it up here." He walked over to the couch and he threw me onto it. I ended up bouncing off the couch and falling onto the ground.

Cam laughed at me and I rolled my eyes at him. I decided I had enough brother-sister bonding time so I stood up and walked over to Shawn.

I was going to scare him but my plan back fired. I ended up getting scared by Nash, who randomly jumped out of the cleaning closet screaming.

I screamed at the top of my lungs as Nash jumped towards me.

"Fucking dick head." I said and walked away

Then my phone lit up from a notification. Nash put the video on vine.

Shawn was looking in the mirror fixing his hair when I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. He jumped a little and I laughed.

"How did you get scared? Your right in front of the mirror." He shrugged his shoulders and I stood on my tippy toes to kiss his cheek.

Soon they started letting the fans in and the event was starting.

"Matthew Espinosa"

"Taylor Caniff"

"Carter Reynolds"

"Shawn Mendes"

"Cameron Dallas"

"Nash Grier"

"Hayes Grier"

"Jack and Jack"

"Jacob Whitesides"

"Aaron Carpenter"

"With special guest Brent Rivera, Azucena Caniff, Emily Dallas and Jessica Styles."

We all went up on stage and we did the most random things. We danced, there was singing like always, The guys did a Q&A and played truth or dare.

People questioned about me and Shawn and said a few hurtful things but I wasn't going to let it bother me. At least not today.

It was my turn and I chose a random girl. She asked me truth or dare and I choose truth. I was afraid if I picked dare they might dare me to jump off the building, these fans hate me.

"Is it true you got arrested last night." The girl asked


"Why?" she asked again

"Cause I did."

"Okay it's my turn." Taylor yelled and all the fans shot their hands up.

He picked a girl in GA wearing his merchandise. "Truth or Dare?" He girl asked

"Dare. What kind of question is that?"

"The type you ask when your playing truth or dare." Nash said answering Taylor's question

Taylor just looked at Nash and then turned his attention back to the fan and told her to continue.

"I dare you to kiss everybody in this room" all of the fans cheered once the girl said that.

"Does that included everyone onstage too?" Nash asked the girl and she nodded.

"Eww" Taylor screeched

He started off by kissing the guys on the cheek. He then kissed me, Jessica, and Azucena. Even though we all had boyfriends. Shawn looked a little jealous but I kissed his cheek and it made him feel less tense.

Taylor jumped into the crowd and began kissing the fans. Taking pictures with each of them.

One girl was in tears once Taylor went up to her. He kissed her and then she had Niagara Falls coming out of her eyes. Taylor tried to calm her down but nothing was working, in fact he was making it worse. After he calmed her down slightly, he took a picture with her and followed her on twitter.

We continued playing until Taylor came back. They dared Nash to dance like a chicken and the fans recorded it and put it on vine.

Taylor eventually came back with lipstick all over his face. He had the hugest smile on his face.

(Taylor pov)

The best part of that dare was being able to kiss Emily. Yeah I love my fans and I enjoyed meeting them and making them happy but Emily is completely different.

She's told by so many people that she's ugly and unwanted but in reality, she's beautiful and wanted by us.

When we tell her she's pretty she doesn't believe us because so many people call her ugly, when she's really not. She believes all the lies people tell her making her think its the truth.

I don't want to be her best friend anymore, I want to be more than that. But there's one thing stopping us.



I'll update again later cause I have no life.

Thanks for reading.

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~Ahrayal Mendes~




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